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[LEGEND]Rebuke Even Paladin

  • Last updated May 17, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Even Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 7460
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/13/2018 (Witchwood)
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Rebuke is like the standard Loatheb and Loatheb is a powerful card, at the right moment using rebuke can stop your enemy from using spells to clear your board, heal and most importantly, win the game. With rebuke, you can single handedly win games and in this deck it fits perfectly. 

Proof of Legend:  https://prnt.sc/jiv7we

EDIT: Thank you guys for the 1k upvotes.... my guide isin't top tier or anything but I put alot of time and effort in the games, even had to highlight the rebuke wins. FeelsOkayMan. 



Here is me playing as a sample size of why Rebuke is important. If I get a couple more upvotes I will create a mulligan guide. Thanks for looking :) 


Versus Warlock: I like to find BoK, Amani and just anything that applies pressure. Keeping CtA is very good AFTER he hellfires your board so he would have to have another clear. If yo don't hero power and CtA he cannot clear this you having a free CtA. Also don't forget to keep ooze to deny his weapon. 

Versus Mage: If anything, I want to keep a rebuke, BoK, CtA and dire wolf or Amani. Dire wolf for early game pressure if control mage. Rebuke is great against control mage early game, also good against the tempo mage but in the late stages of the game. Tempo mage won't trade often and want to get as much face damage as possible so by playing rebuke when you have a stable board is ideal. 

Versus Druid: There are the spiteful decks, and then there are the Taunt druid. For spite, keep consecrations, CtA, and could also keep Amani. For Taunt you want to keep CtA BoK and more pressure. You want to spread out your damage and not put BoK on just like knife juggler or your dire wolf for example, put it on your silver hand so that way he has a choice of what to swipe and if he even has an answer, if not that's good for you. 

Versus mirror: I like to keep consecration for enemy CtA, CtA when he consecrates my board when I didn't CtA yet. Keeping CtA and perhaps one chain gang to bait out his consecration. I don't like to run the risk of losing my entire board because I get baited to play my stuff first. 

Versus Priest: BoK is your friend here. You play around so many thing such as dusk breaker( if you are going second)  Wild pyro into power word: shield. Etc. If you think the enemy will not have a dusk breaker you could go all in and rebuke right after so around 6-8 mana you should win the game. We don't want him to scream the board, so after rebuke he can just primordial drake at 8 mana. 

Versus Warrior: This matchup is always 50/50 in my eyes because if it is odd warrior, you have a bad time wheras the regular warrior is a tad better without the armor gain. I like to keep an equality for his taunts, CtA and BoK for pressure. 

The early game consists of hero powers, dire wolf alpha, amani and CtA while the late consists of equalities, avenging wraths, lich king cards and val any'r buffs. Note that with a buffed Argent Commander and hitting with val'anyr that's a 12 damage combo. If you do not own Val'Anyr I suggest you sub in a Silver Sword. As you develop a board and have silver sword, buffing all the minions on board is a really good feel. I also have the best stated minions for CtA and most decks run like loot hoarder, plated beetles and scalehides. These cards at times can be good draw, armor and lifesteal but in my opinion they cannot compare to a 3/2 Ooze, buffed with dire wolf alpha. 

Probably what I said sounds like a broken record but in my experience it is all but true. Hope this gives enough information and insight on why I keep the things that I do. Also I hope you all like rebuke and wish to see it more in the future.