Renolock with Guide
- Last updated Jun 30, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 19 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Highlander Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 17600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/7/2018 (Witchwood)

- gergonyari
- Registered User
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Hi I'm gergonyari, not a streamer but a several legend player who decided to play wild this season. With this deck I reached rank 5 with a long win streak after started in rank 25 in wild (and its only the 8th of May so legend can be thing again hopefully).
after 1 day I uploaded the deck, I reached rank 3 (not legend rank 3). (2018.05.09.)
after the Nerf (changes): -1 Dark Pact , -1 Possessed Lacked, +1 Sacraficial Pact, +1 Power Overwhelming
after June (changes): Maybe I made some missteps with the deck, but with your help in the comment section. I took some of your advises , and changed the deck a little bit: -1 Ironbeak Owl [/card], -1 [card]Stonehill defender, -1 Rotten Applebaum, -1 Sacrificial Pact, +1 Dark Pact -1 Abyssal Enforcer, +1 Tar Creeper+1 Lord Godfrey, +1 rin the first discline, +1 Dirty Rat
-I'll write something about the changed ("new") cards in the guide later
I dont have to tell you, the deck has value for days, it can shut down Barnes Big Priest with some tempo Jade Druid and every Naga Sea Witch Decks (well Naga can be a problem sometimes), but if someone dont like or dont have all the card, first here are some changes you can make and the deck will be fine:
- Voodoo Doll - Mind Control Tech (not recommended)
- Sylvanas Windrunner - Emperor Thaurissan, The Black Knight, Cairne Bloodhoof
- Krul the Unshackled - Skull of the Man'ari (I never tried it)
- Abyssal Enforcer - Lord Godfrey
- if you dont have some key legendaries like Kazakus, Reno Jackson, Mal'Ganis, Bloodreaver Gul'dan, N'Zoth, the Corruptor you'll have less value, but in this case I think some very standard legendary can be okeyish like Ragnaros the Firelord, The Lich King, Dr. Boom or maybe a Molten Giant, or no kidding a Sacrificial Pact
Mulligan can define your game but sometimes if you see some very nice combo potentials e.g.: Mortal Coil with Voodoo Doll against a control deck or Voidcaller with Despicable Dreadlord against Paladin, than you should keep these in your hand.
Against Aggro and Tempo based decks you will need your: Kobold Librarian, Mortal Coil, Doomsayer, Defile, Darkbomb, Stonehill Defender, Reno Jackson, Hellfire
Against Control decks the same line up can be fine but some Mountain Giant, Possessed Lackey, Voidcaller will make your game easier.
cards that sometimes worth keeping:
- Against Paladin: Ironbeak Owl (because the buffs)
- Lesser Amethyst Spellstone if you have Kobold Librarian or Hellfire in your hand
- Stonehill Defender if you had to mulligan every other card way, but you wanna' have some card after turn 2 tap
- Krul the Unshackled if you're 100% sure that your opponent is heavy control
Against Aggro:
- This is the easier to explain, the whole point against aggro is to survive and dont let them having anything on the board. It means that if you can, you should play e.g. after turn 2 Shielded Minibot, your Voodoo Doll on it . You don't have to wait until turn 4 for to pin you own Voodoo Dollwith Mortal Coil or with Dark Pact; if they silence it, it only means they can't stop your Voidcaller or Possessed Lackey to gain it's value.
- but this was only one example. I hope you see the point, one thing for meantioning is, if your opponent has 8-15 damage already in the board later on the game you wanna' clear that first with Shadowflame, Twisting Nether, Hellfire + Lesser Amethyst Spellstone (it depents which one is in your hand) and just after that turn, play Reno Jackson. If you're playing Reno Jackson first they will hit face and you are at the same position without heal; so it's better to pray 1 turn.
- if you have to do something quickly don't be afraid to choose the 1 mana Kazakus potion.
- if you have to kill something bigger play Doomguard and discard 2 cards, still better then just leaving it on the board for another turn.
- etc. etc.
Against Control:
- I will go through the deck card by card
- Against control your whole plan is the ran your opponent out of resources (except if they're OTK, then you have to kill them before their combo is available)
- Cards:
- Dark Pact: health can't be a problem, so Dark Pact main job is killing your own deathrattles (Sylvanas Windrunner, Possessed Lackey are some basic targets, but if your against Spiteful Priest you may kill your Voidlord so they can't steal it)
- Kobold Librarian: we dont need this card in our opening hand against control, we really not wanna' draw that much, because matches can go fatigue, Kobold Librarian is a Defile starter in this case or a Lesser Amethyst Spellstone upgrader
- Mortal Coil: Defile "fixer" sometimes - think before you use it, sometimes it's better to ... before defile so you won't draw if it's not necessary, Voodoo Doll activater, OP as it can be
- Darkbomb: early game removal, maybe a Possessed Lackey activater (???)
- Defile: no need to introduce (OP)
- Doomsayer: good in the early game, great after a board clear, sick against opponent's sylwanas windrunner, best before opponent's turn 4 (against warlock)
- Ironeak Owl: no need to introduce (can be a Defile starter, if it's necessary)
- Stonehill Defender: despite the fact that this is a great card, the big question around still standing: do we choose Rin, the First Disciple from discover or not. I know it's not the best answer but it depends. At least, I can tell you don't choose it 100% if your opponent is not heavy control.
- Hellfire: no need to introduce
- Kazakus: against control you have the time to choose from the 5 or 10 mana kazakus potion, really great card, against OTK I always play it at the last minute with full health so i can gain some armor
- Lesser Amethyst Spellstone: no need to introduce (only one thing, use it when it's upgraded)
- Shadowflame: auto-include in your starting hand against warlock and druid (Naga Sea Witchdecks), pretty solid friends with Sylvanas Windrunner, the card isn't need any introduce
- Voidcaller, Despicable Dreadlord, Doomguard, Possessed Lackey, Abyssal Enforcer, Krul the Unshackled, Voidlord, Mal'Ganis: BFFs
- Rotten Applebaum, Sludge Belcher: solid 5 drops, n'zoth, the corrupter's value cards
- Reno Jackson: no need to introduce
- Siphon Soul: very late game card, don't use it on someting mediocre
- Sylvanas Windrunner: most of the time when i play it, i play it followed by Dark Pact, but sometimes it's just great the play it and leave it on the board, your opponent 100% have to respont, otherwise (s)he is in big trouble
- Twisting Nether: don't use it for 2 minions or something that can be fixed with other cards in your hand, use it after opponent's N'Zoth, the Corruptor, Bloodreaver Gul'dan, Lesser Diamond Spellstone, army of jades, idk, you see what i'm saying
- Bloodreaver Gul'dan, N'zoth, the corrupter: Both cards are win-conditions, the only thing you have to look after, when you play them, I recommend you .... after you see your opponent played some of his/her board clears, thats it, (if i have a chance i like to play Bloodreaver Gul'dan first.)
- Mountain Giant: starting hand, turn 4, gg, even if not immediately your opponent will you his/her resoursces on this Giant, and will lose his/her tempo (plan)
P.s.: if you have any questions or don't agree with everyting, please let me know.
What's your opinion about Kabal Trafficker ?
I feel it can get useful when krul empties your hand.
Haven't tried the deck yet but i feel I'm gonna remove a sacrificial pact for it, or maybe a rotten applebaum.
remove the rotten applebaum for sure.
good idea, ill try it
How does the deck do after the nerfs? Wanting to play warlock but not having much success.
hey! well I'm at rank 3 for two weeks now , not so happy about it, but it still a competitive deck tho, if you dont have to craft any mayor parts of the deck i recommend to give it a shot
I made some changes in the deck! And reached legend (in June).
It's time to play some renolock if you still have the spirit for it :))
Mine renolock is better :P im using krul AND weapon...its op if you dont draw weapon you have krul etc. And i think you have so much healing for no need... Tar creeper over stonhill defender haha also i have rin in mine. And why not lord godfrey over abyssal enforcer?? But im using glinda and banker i case of mill decks or mirror matchup so i can have infinity deck... That saved me last 4 games that i won because fatigue :) also molten giant is doing better job then mountain for me. Also im not using doll and lackey, no need for them. If you wanna ask something about my comment fell free to ask. I have more then 3k wins with renolock and now im rank 2 with mine with around 70% winratio
3k wins with renolock very imrpessive,
i already wrote down why i think rin, the weapon is too slow, avyssal enforcer can be a replacement but i like more demons in my deck.
Thanks for your comment
Yeahhhh I’m just gonna say it since OP of deck is being nice. I detect a mass amount of bullshit about everything you said.
Hi Dax! Did the bullshit come from me? or from Rapidosamurai?
Correct me if it's from me
Yea godfrey is a great card but i think the skull (weapon) would be a better choise
Very strong deck. It is almost like people have forgotten how to play against this.
N'Zoth has felt like a dead card most matches, Once Krul hits the board it is usually over the following turn. Even if they manage to clear the board they all come back with Guldan.
i feel the same, but sometimes n'zoth helped me when krul couldn't. i dont know what deathrattle should i put in the deck to make n'ozth more stable
You play DK before N'zoth if you can...try always do that.. Because you can get extra voidlord for N'zoth :) rin is good and deathlord also as a deathrattle taunt :)
Deck has 7 deathrattles so its fine to have some bad ones after nzoth which earlier gain you tempo. Yeah its not the best to get Krul from Lackey but a 7/9 body is solid.
And voodoo doll was 70% a lifesaver against aggro and 100% was useful against control mactchups
I tried it but I prefer Rotten Applebaum. The deck has already several great 5 drops. cubelocks resources trust in the cubes but renolock has other value cards like kazakus