Sjow Rank 4 to Legend 23-5 Moonkin druid
- Last updated May 3, 2018 (Witchwood)
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- 11 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Malygos Druid
- Crafting Cost: 11400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/2/2018 (Witchwood)
- SjoW
- Pro Player
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This deck is absolutely amazing. It was crushing it for Sjow today. Aggro and Control stand no chances with this deck. I'm not entirely sure of the mulligan. But I imagine its Wraths for Aggro, Wild Growth a must keep, Branching Paths to buff Spreading Plagues. Something along those lines.
Good luck ill be trying it tonight as well.
*UPDATE* From rank 8 to rank 5 with this deck no problem.
Mulligan against aggro? Wild Growth, Swipe, Spreading Plague, Nourish. Control? Wild Growth, Nourish, Dark Mire Moonkin, Swipe, Master Oakheart.
Hope this helps!
I personally love this deck as I find it really fun to play, I climbed from 7 to 5 using it and will probably continue to exclusively use the deck to try and master it a bit. I wouldn't say it is the easiest of decks to use as the challenge is how and when to spend your resources which can only really come from experience IMVHO.
I do struggle against warlock tho so any advice for how to take them out with any theory draw would be really welcomed! Whatever I put down is easily removed, and their heal & taunt seems to counter my playstyle with this deck really well... could just be me, but yea, any tips would be awesome.
Nice one Sjow, awesome deck man, loads of fun...
Yo could I shove a twig in this stuff for that sweet sweet ultra burst?
Hah, never even seen it used before but could work really nice, what you drop for it?
I just cut the creeper. As wise man once said, you haven't lived until you've slammed an opponents face in with over 30 mana worth of effects in a single turn.
Whats the plan when you draw Mally?
Dropping it and then hopefully you still have your Moonfires to finish off your opponent for 12 free damage face in one turn. Currently Rank 2 with the deck. Haven't played much due to Cinco De Mayo weekend. But the deck still kicks ass.
Yah i fixed it. I also included the mulligans people should look for against Aggro and control. First time trying the deck yesterday so I made an error.
You saw his stream today? dude was crushing it. Like with ease no issues at all. I'm 6-1 with it right now almost to rank 4. Im crushing all aggro and control.