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Odd Play your opponent's deck Priest

  • Last updated May 1, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Thief Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 10780
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/29/2018 (Witchwood)
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Yo, wanted to share this because I had a lot of fun this evening playing it ! I actually had also good results (4/1) wining against Control Warrior, Control Mage, Odd Paladin and Odd Rogue, but losing to Zoolock (but in my defense I had three 7 drops and Baku in my opening hand so it was difficult).

I'm not saying that this is deck is good however. This is definitly not competitive, but my (very small) sample size of 4/1 shows that it is at least possible to win with it and therefore, have fun :D

So the idea against control is to play Archbishop Benedictus to have a very huge deck and fatigue your opponent. Psychic Scream is not very good for that but that's why you got Azalina Soulthief, which can also help recycling your other useless cards or steal that juicy Azari.
The deck also has a lot of biffy minions that really take advantage of your 4-heal HP : Injured Blademaster, Quartz Elemental and Nightscale Matriarch. This way you don't need your opponent's ressources to have a board to fight with or to apply pressure.

Against aggro well... You have Holy Nova and Psychic Scream that are very good. Your HP also gives you a lot of sustain. Northshire Cleric on turn one is always powerfull aswell and who knows, you may can find ressources in your opponent's deck aswell ! (#stole two copies of Vilespine Slayer against that Baku Rogue and that won me the game)

A lot of cards are probably not the best you can go with though. I'm thinking about Chameleos and Thoughtsteal that are not so good, but eh they go well with the theme of "I play your deck".

Holy Water I was not sure about this, but it turned out to be pretty good during those games. I managed to stole Elize the Trailblazer and Direhorn Hatchling against the Warrior, The Lich King against the Mage and a Vilespine Slayer against the Rogue !


Anyway, have fun if you have the bravery to try the deck, and if anyone has any idea on how to improve it, comments are ofc welcome ! Peace


Edit : Made some changes. Quartz Elemental was too clunky even with the upgraded HP, so they became Stonehill Defender that is a great card in an odd deck, helping you find even-cost cards for your turn 4 and 8, and overall just a good defensive minion.
Thoughtsteal became at first 2x Devour Mind but it's too heavy, and since it's the new season today I expect a lot of weapons so it ended up being only one + Harrison Jones

So far I'm 10/3 with the deck, 4/0 today !