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Baku Rogue w/ Face Collector (Legend 284, 63% WR)

  • Last updated Apr 25, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/25/2018 (Witchwood)
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To start, I'm sure a lot of people will be confused or hesitant about the inclusion of Face Collector in this deck but I'm actually very confident in the niche slot it fits into the deck. In the current meta, I often find tempo matchups (mirror, Spiteful Druid, Even/Murloc Paladin) to end in both decks running out of steam and relying on topdecks in an attempt to control the board. In this situation, I find Face Collector to often steal the game in this scenario with its flexible value generation as well as its immediate board presence. Furthermore, in long-game based control matchups that often end in being just out of reach of controlling the board enough to finish the opponent (Big Spell Mage, Taunt Warrior), Face Collector does a nice job of giving an additional chance to exhaust their resources as you gradually ping out their face. 

The list is for the most part a standard no-Ironbeak Owl Odd Rogue list but with Face Collector in the place of one Blink Fox (which I believe is the weakest card in the deck). At this exact moment I've gone from around 2500 to 284 going 57-34 (63% WR) with this build.

General tips -

Standard mulligan: Always keep Dire Mole, keep Argent Squire or Fire Fly if you either don't have Dire Mole or have Cold Blood in against a slower deck where you can comfortably go 1 drop into 1 drop/Cold Blood. Always keep Hench Clan Thug as its the strongest card in the deck. Keep Vicious Fledgling against Druid and against Warlock if you're on the coin (if you coin out a Fledgling on two, Warlock has no answer going into their turn three; but if you play it on three without the coin they'll often either coin Spellstone or coin Hellfire it, so you're generally better off mulliganing it away if you're going first).

With time I can hopefully provide a little bit more insight into certain matchups and card choices and so forth, although there's a lot of good Odd Rogue guides out there that cover the basics very effectively regardless.