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Putricide Mage

  • Last updated Apr 24, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 7 Minions
  • 23 Spells
  • Deck Type: PvE Adventure
  • Deck Archetype: Freeze Mage
  • Boss: Professor Putricide
  • Crafting Cost: 1540
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/25/2018 (Witchwood)
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  • This deck worked fine against Putricide for me.
  • The goal is to kill him by fatigue.
  • Each state of this Boss is determined by his armor. Everytime you get his armor down, a new fase begins up to 2 times.
  • 1st stage: all secrets cost 0.
  • 2nd stage: all weapons cost 0.
  • 3rd stage: all cards cost 5.
  • The arcane missiles funcion is basically burn his "counterspell" secret, which can really hurt if he happens to draw it.
  • Shifting scrolls are very situational, and also very helpful to either clear or deal some damage (or get another Ooze).
  • First fase try to control the board taking as less damage as possible. Use only one Frost Nova (if you really need to) and all of your secrets. Mirror Image and Frostbolt draws are helpful.
  • He might have two coppies of one of your minions. Good news is all of them have less than 4 health so you can Flamestrike his board easily.
  • Second fase make sure to have a Fireball in hand and your side of the board to be clear. Also you will need to have at least one of your Oozes available.
  • Try and make him burn his cards faster than you and also save both polymorphs for his final form, you should have around 6 cards in hand and he should have none.
  • Final form is where you use your big minions (or right before it) and where you rush some armor, so if you can place the Arcane Artificer and  clear his board right before you reach that state, you'll be fine.
  • Once you have your board set it doesn't matter what he plays, he'll most likely have one card per turn and be running out of them just like you. Use your spells, gain armor and just wait for him to die in 3 - 4 turns max.
  • Oh... Pyroblast ALWAYS goes face and when it costs 5. Just to make it clear.
  • Good luck!