Wild Legend EVEN Warlock
- Last updated Jun 15, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 23 Minions
- 6 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Handlock
- Crafting Cost: 8680
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/22/2018 (Witchwood)

- Zaziben
- Registered User
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Total Deck Rating
stats: https://imgur.com/pVz54G9
Alright, this deck aims to lifetap as much as possible, in order to gain cards and lower your life total.
Without the buff to Molten Giant, this deck would be impossible. At 5 hp, the odds that your opponent has a single card that burns you out is high, but at 10 hp, that number drastically dwindles. The only classes that frequently can burn you out from 10 hp are Mages and Shamans.
We go even in order to tap aggressively, and we go even to ensure our Mountain Giants come out on turn three on the coin. I Can't tell you how many games this has won me. We go even because life tap costs 1 mana while reducing our hp by 2, making Molten Giant cheaper on the turn you play him.
Some notable inclusions are:
Dark Peddler, For its ability to fetch a card that that can save you. Soulfire, Power Overwhelming, and Dark Pact are excellent cards that appear often, and are amazing.
Pit Lord. Might turn some heads, but I've found that it REALLY is the mvp of this deck. It helps get you to that crucial 10 hp to enable Molten Giant and Hooked Reaver. Plus beating people with this card feels so good. Oh, and it comes back with Bloodreaver Gul'dan too!
Glinda Crowskin. Enables the full board of Molten Giants plus Defender of Argus or Sunfury Protector.
Dread Infernal This card kills off dudes, what more do you need?
Hooked Reaver. I've gotten this off on turn six after a Defile play, and it surely hurts. It also is just an insane card.
The rest of the cards are self explanatory.
Play Style: Tap unless you need to spend all of your mana playing something. This deck is aggressive starting on turn three. Against anything quick, you are the defender, play like one, count the amount of damage coming in, play or hold Pit Lord accordingly, save defiles for opportune times to drop something behind it, and dig for Molten Giant + taunt giver play. Against anything slower than aggro, you are the beat down. This deck can rarely win in fatigue (I never have). Just play as many big drops are possible, aggressively lower your hp total, and beat them down with an overwhelming board.
Match ups:
Druid 5-8. This one is tough. Poison seeds completely ruins your day and there's usually no chance you can come back. Spreading plague is tough as well, hopefully you draw a Shadowflame, otherwise your probably going to lose.
Hunter 4-5. Somewhat even. They can burn you out, play defensively
Mage 10-7. Slightly favored. Play your two drops on two, you need to contest the board, they will get you low, and when they do, turn the corner with Molten Giant + taunt giver and heal. Done.
Paladin 26-24. Fair match up. If they are odd pally, they will likely lose. If they are even, they will likely win. try to save defiles for when they will buff their board the next turn with SunkeeperTarim, Quartermaster, and Level Up!.
Priest 16-7. Favored. Despite their plethora of board clears, they come too late to save them. Big Priest is the most common match up, and if they drop a Barnes on four, you will likely lose, otherwise, you should win. Scary.
Rogue 8-4, Favored. Taunts Taunts Taunts. Rogues hate taunts, and you play way too many of them. I believe Kingsbane and quest rogue has a better chance than aggro variants, but I haven't run into them often. It's a good thing odd rogue is popular, without Sap they fold to the first big taunt you drop.
Shaman 10-1. Favored. Against Shudderwok, you can't lose. Against Even Shaman or Aggro Shaman, they fold under Defiles and taunts.
Warlock 29-20. Favored. Watch them play their pathetic 2/2 minion on five into a giant and a drake, and play a silence on it and laugh. That's basically the match up. Against Giant Warlock, you run into trouble. If they play Naga Sea Witch on five, you probably lose, otherwise, it's nearly a free win. Against Cubelock, their hands are often inconsistent and terrible against you.
Warrior 2-1. Can't really tell, I faced one pirate, one fatigue and one rush warrior, guess which one I lost to?
This deck has undergone serious changes, It was always the slot Shadowflame occupies that changed the most, whether it be Emperor Thaurissan, or Skulking Geist, but I believe Shadowflame belongs. I also ran Midnight Drakes for a time, but found they being silenced completely ruins them.
The reasons are simple, Cubelock is in the dumps, there's no longer any need to target lackey or Voidlords specifically, There's also an uptick of doomsayers.
What other cards would you recommend that restore health? The problem I often find in this kind of deck is that your hero takes SO much damage and there's not enough life gain to cover all that health loss.
I recently switched out Defias Cleaner for Spellbreaker, in the post nerf meta it was just way, way better.
Wilfred Fizzlebang would be broken in this deck.
first time I've ever heard someone say that
Nicely done! The deck is amazing, good old handlock times, thank you! (I just switched the Defias Cleaner for a Twisting Nether)