Spiteful White Priest
- Last updated Apr 25, 2018 (Witchwood)
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- 26 Minions
- 4 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Spiteful Priest
- Crafting Cost: 6500
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/17/2018 (Witchwood)

- ParaBird
- Registered User
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Total Deck Rating
(truly a masterpiece produced with Photoshop)
Hey fellas, here to share my high win-rate Priest deck. This is an altered version of the ever so popular Spiteful Summoner & Lady in White deck. I tried to make this deck a lot more early-game-friendly so you are able to taunt up and board clear much more often, giving you a clean board when it is the time to play your Spiteful Summoner and Lady in White.
Personal Win-Rate: 82% (19-4)
Changes to Original Deck
Mana Curve Comparison
(This version of Spiteful White Priest) (The original version of Spiteful White Priest)
Original Deck by BOARHS
Minion (26)
Ability (4)
Loading Collection
Cards That Were Changed
x2 Tar Creeper instead of x2 Squashling
x2 Stonehill Defender instead of x2 Quartz Elemental
x1 Mossy Horror instead of x1 Nightscale Matriarch
x1 Obsidian Statue instead of x1 Swift Messenger
x2 Witchwood Grizzly instead of x2 Wyrmguard
x1 Primordial Drake instead of x1 Unpowered Steambot
Chameleos, Northshire Cleric, Shadow Ascendant and Stonehill Defender are keeps. If you go second, save the coin for Spiteful Summoner or Lady in White. The curve in this deck should allow you to play a minion every turn, so coining early is not a necessity.
Versing Control
This deck has a good chance against control decks, I found it no trouble beating the several Cubelocks I've encountered on the ladder. Having insane value from Lady in White in the late game definitely gives you an advantage over control decks. Additionally, Chameleos is good in your starting hand due to its ability to hand hack the whole game and also, in desperate situations, straight up steal a win condition from your opponent's hand. (This one time I stole an Azari, good times.) Things like 12 attack Witchwood Grizzly and 8 attack Obsidian Statue could be a huge threat on the board and require your opponent to conduct several bad trades to take out.
Versing Aggro and Tempo
This deck should do fine against aggro and tempo decks. On turn three, you can choose to drop your Tar Creeper or Stonehill Defender to suck some damage. On turn 4, Tortollan Shellraiser or board clear with Duskbreaker. On turn 5, you could ideally coin out a Spiteful Summoner, or if you are going first, Witchwood Grizzly would provide some value (most aggro or tempo decks would most likely exhaust their hand by now). After that, you should be able to control the board, anyway, you still have your Mossy Horror and Primordial Drake to take out those pesky little 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits.
Tl;dr More taunts, more board clears, more health by turn 6.
Card Details and Substitutions
-Chameleos: An important mulligan card against control decks and mirror matches. The card is however not essential to the deck. Can be substituted for a Spellbreaker or a second Nightscale Matriarch.
-Northshire Cleric: Gives you a good amount of card draw in the early game. It is the deck's only card draw source. Synergises with Lady in White.
-Faerie Dragon: A source of dragon for Duskbreaker and an overall descent card. Can be substituted for Nightmare Amalgam.
-Shadow Ascendant: Low cost minion to keep your taunts alive during the early game as to keep aggro minions off your face before pulling out your Spiteful Summoner.
-Stonehill Defender: Cheap taunt to create a taunt curve until turn 6. Go for picks such as Obsidian Statue or Tortollan Shellraiser. Synergises with Lady in White.
-Tar Creeper: Good taunt against aggro decks. Synergises with Lady in White.
-Duskbreaker: A critical card to keep in your starting hand if you are against a Paladin or Hunter. Remember to keep at least one dragon in your hand at all times.
-Tortollan Shellraiser: This is the last taunt you would want on the board before playing your Spiteful Summoner. Synergises with Lady in White.
-Cobalt Scalebane: As well as being a dragon, it buffs your high-health minions to a killing machine. If you already have taunts set up by turn 5, Scalebane can constantly buff your minions while sitting behind taunts.
-Witchwood Grizzly: Lady in White is made for this card. Counters aggro decks surprisingly well because by turn 5, aggro players would exhaust their hand, providing a larger taunt.
-Lady in White: Literally the soul of the deck. wHaT waS lOsT cAn bE FOunD aGaIn.
-Mossy Horror: Destroys the remaining aggro minions such as Silver Hand Recruits or small beasts. It can be used to get rid of the annoying board of Voidwalker against Cubelock. Synergises with Lady in White. Can be substituted with another Nightscale Matriarch or Primordial Drake.
-Spiteful Summoner: Not essential to the deck. Can be substituted for Snowflipper Penguin.
-Nightscale Matriarch: Just an overall excellent card in the new expansion. Can produce insane value if left alive on the board. Synergises with Lady in White.
-Free From Amber: Provides value for Spiteful Summoner Snowflipper Penguin. Can produce drops such as The Lich King, Ysera and Obsidian Statue for board control.
-Primordial Drake: A descent taunt to clear out weak enemy minions, along with the dragon quality. Synergises with Lady in White. Can be substituted for a second Mossy Horror or other board clear options.
-Obsidian Statue: A solid 9 mana drop against control decks. Remember to watch out for Spellbreaker and opposing Mind Control! If you manage to drop down Lady in White before playing it, you get a huge lifesteal benefit which can sometimes heal you back to max if you are up against aggro decks. Synergises with Lady in White.
-Mind Control: Although you are guaranteed to draw both of them by turn 6 (;-;), it is still a good card to counter Cubelocks and mirror matches.
Drinking game: Take a shot every time 'Synergises with Lady in White' is quoted.
Many thanks to CookiemanHS for trying out my deck.
That's all from me, good luck on the ladder and I'll see you fellas later :)
Really cool deck, didn't play it much, but I had some nice and super fun games with it, refreshing, thanks !
I dont have more dust, i change four cards in base this deck Thank you
How good is Chameleos as a card? Good enough to craft for a priest player?
I would not recommend crafting it. But its quite fun.
Lady in white deserves to be played! Only tried this deck for a couple of games against paladins and DON`T see this as a guide to play the deck..... more like learn from my mistakes...
Gotta say, those are some unlucky matchups. Maybe you can change a few cards for more of an aggro proof deck. Anyway, thanks for trying out my deck :)
Thank you for the deck!
What about adding an ooze?
Would definitely recommend to put in an Ooze, maybe cut Chameleos or Tortollan Shellraiser for it.
Another day, another misleading clickbait title. The deck might have a high winratio, and I'm not saying it's a bad deck, but baiting people with "82 %" over less than a 100 games is just wrong, any decent deck can have a high wr over 25-ish games. Have a downvote.
ill change it then if it pleases anyone.
Awesome deck
Tried Kellseth version but it didnt worked much for me. I like adding that 2drops that could help with early game. Guess il give a shot to this one. Lady in white deserves it.
This deck is pretty amazing, I'm having a lot of fun. How do you handle dealing with cubelocks though? I can usually deal with them until they summon their DK, then I'm kinda screwed because I can't clear all the taunts. And then I get smacked in the face with all their demons.
I feel like this deck could easily cut out Shadow Ascendant × 2, Faerie Dragon × 2 for Prince Keleseth. Most of the time I keep Faerie Dragon So I always have Duskbreaker Activated, and by the late game it's not very useful.
Shadow Ascendant, on the other hand, is most likely a one or two turn card, and you don't really wanna play it naked. I would rather have my whole deck buffed rather than one or two minions.
Cards to consider for replacing those 4 cards.
Shadowreaper Anduin - Solid hero power. Extra removal.
Another Primordial Drake - Synergies with Lady in White. Taunt. AOE damage. A Dragon.
Another Nightscale Matriarch - Synergies with Lady in White. Great value. A Dragon.
Grand Archivist - Synergies with Lady in White. If everything goes right, it's an 8 Mana 7/7 that summons an 8 or 10 Mana minion or Mind Control another.
Thanks for the ideas! I also agree that Shadow Ascendant and Faerie Dragon are not the best cards to draw in the late game, however, I find them still kinda useful in the deck (at least when I play with this deck). Partially why I don't run copies of Primordial Drake and Nightscale Matriarch is just that it's really, well, ambitious.
Of course, it's really satisfying to drop that Lady in White on turn 6 and winning the game purely with the insanely buffed stats. However, with the new expansion, we have been seeing more and more aggro decks who would straight up destroy Spiteful Priests in the early game. This is also, partially, why I decided to add Tar Creeper and Stonehill Defender in the deck: Not for the Lady in White synergy, but purely so that you can still grab a hold of the board by turn 6.
tl;dr If I mulligan, I'd rather get something I can play instead of getting all 7+ drops and get steamrolled by aggro decks xD
Of course, please don't let my opinions get in your way to becoming victorious and discovering the next tier 1 deck. Have fun my dude :)
Ok so some of what you say are pretty good changes, and some of it is just stupid.
The deck is already pretty high end in terms of mana cost so adding more things like a 2nd nightscale is just silly. Anduin is also a bad idea as you are more likely to kill more of your board then theirs or it sits in your hand as a dead card, though it does give you some value when playing against druid, outside of that no.