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  • Last updated Apr 22, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Handlock
  • Crafting Cost: 10360
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/14/2018 (Witchwood)
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Hey you!

Yes you!Do want to crush some sculls but aggro decks crush you?

Do you want to play a powerful deck but you are a hipster and want to feel morally superior in a silly card game by playing something different?


Then i have something for you! A different and legendary handlock deck!

First proofs!

Edit, wow rank decay is b**tch at high ranks! Thanks to it i ended up at 1100 rank on Friday.However thanks to games played these two days...Tadaaa 

Twenty two whole ranks better than last week!If that is not progress, i don't know what it is! XD

Edit 22/4/2018 Here are more matches played in this week as promised! :D


Cubelock(Favoured): Mulligan(Mountain GiantDoomsayerPossessed Lackey). Ok, let me clarify something first. With favoured i don't mean easy. This is the hardest match up to play correctly but if you play efficiently, you will win most of the times. While as i said there is no standard strategy in this match up, in general you can go two ways with this. 

Scenario A: You have giants and they don't. In this scenario you should be the aggresor and use your taunts to protect your fatties. You have so many taunts that you can force them to use their demons defensively or out right kill them as cubelocks hands tend to be very cloggy.

Scenario B(not scenario A): You play the long game. If they can not kill you outright (aka super highroll) then you can safely trigger the Rin, the First Disciple and outvalue them.

One mistake i have noticed my friends doing with the deck is the following. They focused too much on clearing.If you can't clear efficiently or you expect an immediate refill (like guldan) then is more sufficient to put a row of taunts that will slow them down while you activate rin than wasting resources just to be in back foot again.

Here are the two games i played vs cubelocks. I wish i had played more games against them but these guys are super rare in high legend. Almost evey warlock is a control variant atm.


Controllock(Even): Mulligan(Mountain GiantDoomsayerPossessed Lackey,Rin, the First Disciple). Well this matchup is 50/50..duh! This the most enjoyable mirror and the one in which i can give almost 0 imput that you don't already know. So good luck?

Odd hunter:(Very favoured):(Muligan: Doomsayer,Plated Beetle,taunts): This deck is suprisingly popular and strong and a good deck to farm! XD . You have so much healing and taunts that poor smorcs shed rivers of tears. This is an a easy much up. You stall with aoes and early taunts, then you heal and then they concede.

Secret Mage(slightly favoured):Muligan same with odd hunter. The thing is that even this plays exactly like odd hunter, you have less time to react, which means that you may not have the time to draw your heals as they aim spells directly to your face( taunts are inefficient)

Any Aggro Paladin(UTTER DOMINATION):Mulligan same as hunters. I have yet to lose a game against these guys. This is where Despicable Dreadlord shines the most. Not only is unexpected as everyone assumes that you are a cubelock, but makes their boards useless. You have to draw or play horribly to lose this match up.

Battlecry Shaman:(Mountain GiantDoomsayer,Rin, the First Disciple). This match up is similar to cubelock, but easier lol. Generally this deck is overhyped imo. It's so slow and even when Shudderwock comes to play, most of the times it is subpar (random order of battlecries). You must try to kill them fast with giants. If that fails then you must kill your own rin and start the chain asap. 

Taunt Druid(Favoured) mulligan:Mountain GiantDoomsayerPossessed Lackey,Rin, the First Disciple) Ok, you have to realise something in order to win the vast majority of the games in this match up. You WON'T be able to clear their board.So what are you goind to do while they build Trump's wall?You are goind to build your own wall!Just pour a glass of wine, prepare some snacks and enjoy this looooooooong game!Let them try to clear your own board, and use aoes only if necessary. They will fatigue first either by their own draw or by rin and you will win.Here is the hardest victory i had against them. The rest were to easy to even bother posting them.


Rogues are hard for this deck because they have 3 decks which require completely different mulligan.

Quest Rouge (unfavoured)Mulligan same as cubelock. The first thing you have to do is to mute them. In 7 games against them they spammed 7 times and the slightest tilt will decrease your chances tremendously. In this match up you should be the aggressor and force them to sap and vanish defensively as soon as possible.They can have all the 5/5s in the world,if they can't pass your taunts, they still won't win. If you can not pressure early however,you can concede.As i said you can clear their board a million times until they fatigue but if you are even or behind in the early game, just save yourself time and concede.

I am currently 3w-4l against them and below you can find the most interesting match up.There rest of my wins were carried by giants because they didn't have the freeze guys and sap in time. So there is no point in posting them.


Tempo rogue (Very unfavoured): (Spellbreaker, Hellfire). This is by far our worst match up and the reason i added spellbreakers to the deck. They ALWAYS have a 12/12 EdWIN on 3 and they can Sap our early defence.So unless we have Spellbreaker EXACTLY on 4 it's gg.

Baku rogue:(favoured).Mulligan same as hunters.Ok i would put this in the utter domination category but i have lost two games against them by the fact i missjudged my mulligan thinking they were quest rogues.

Here are the most interesting games i had against them. If you predict their deck correctly and have decent draws, you wipe the floor with them.


Cards explanation:

Despicable Dreadlord and Rotten Applebaum: These guys are so underrated. They destroy board centric aggro decks and they help you activate rin safely against control decks.

Master Oakheart: Now that N'Zoth, the Corruptor has rotated out, it's his time to shine. He draws out your big taunts and he's value bomb! He is the reason i did not put Kobold Librarian in the deck. Until now he has overperformed!

Rin, the First Disciple: She is not the main win condition. You are a handlock first and then a controllock.You try beat your opponents with superior tempo plays and then if everything fails, you fall back to rin. Against slow decks like taunt druid and control mage though, she shines! Do not forget though! KILL HER THE TURN YOU PLAY HER!


-1 x mortal coil

-1 x plated beatle

+2 x spellbreakers.

I made these changes because i was facing almost no paladins and hunters and i was facing a ton of controllocks, taunt druids and tempo rogues .If you are facing a lot of paladins and hunters, then the previous version is superior.


-How do i replace x card?

In general this depends totally on your collection and most importantly to what you face. I faced mostly aggressive decks so i would recommend defensive cards. If you face different kinds of decks then adapt to what you play against the most. The deck is hard to pilot as it has multiple paths to victory. Adapt and overcome >:D


Rin, the First Disciple and Master Oakheart are irreplaceable. Not because the deck can not function without them, but you will have to make so many changes to it in order to maintain the same effectiveness, that you will end up playing a different deck.

Lord Godfrey->Twisting Nether.  Lord Godfrey is better against deathrattles and Twisting Nether better against boards with fatties. However both cards do the same. No worries here

Bloodreaver Gul'dan->Weasel Tunneler izi :P

-What is this shit?Is this a deck or collection of memes and gifs?

And as always here is the theme song of the Deck! A badass song for a badass character (Zodd from berserk)