- Last updated Apr 12, 2018 (Witchwood)
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- 18 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 12120
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/12/2018 (Witchwood)
- slothalot
- Registered User
- 9
- 20
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OTK conditions
- Your opponent needs 6 (or less) card in their hand
- all 8 pieces of the combo
Combo pieces
2 x The Coin (use WANTED! to get these)
1x Lorewalker Cho
1x Sonya Shadowdancer
1x Backstab
1x Preparation
1x Eviscerate
1x Azalina Soulthief
The combo
(so the animation gets reduced and you win more time to deal damage)
(Your opponent now has those 4-5 spells in their hand. If you play the second coin last, you can get off the combo with an opponent's 6-card hand)
(Your hand now has 1-2x Coin, 1x Backstab, Preparation, Eviscerate.)
(Azalina returns to your hand as a 1/1 that costs 1)
(You now get back The Coin, Preparation, and Eviscerate)
And then the infinite loop (each loop does 4 damage):
( for the sake of understanding and so I can look it up later xP )
EDIT: Changed order of the first 3 Steps according to DuLLSoN's suggestion. Thanks for that! (°u°)b
1. if you play Sonya > coin > cho , you can shave up one coin copy animation and gain time.
2. If you shadowstep sonya or cho earlier, you can pull the combo with one coin instead of two.
I really want this deck to work but man, 7 card combo with early preparation is a tall order :/
1. I see that. Edited it according to the suggestion, thanks! :)
2. For the infinite look we need the Backstab to be copied. Way I see it 6 cards is maximum.