- Last updated Apr 24, 2018 (Witchwood)
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- 22 Minions
- 4 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Rush Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 8480
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/11/2018 (Patches Nerf)
- Registered User
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Tempo Warrior is back!
In my mind, the Tempo Warrior has always been one of the hottest Tempo Decks Hearthstone has to offer.
With the new "Rush" mechanics Garrosh strikes back, and shows who are the true pace King on the Field.
Edit: 24.04.2018:
Hello everybody :)
In the last 1-2 weeks, I test a lot of things and make some big changes. Since the meta is slowly emerging, I was able to identify, some things that do not fit.
I Hope you like it and have fun :)
I took these out: -1x Warpath, -1x Rampage, - 2x Rabid Worgen, -Blackhowl Gunspire, - Scourgelord Garrosh, -1x Spellbreaker, -1x Fungalmancer, -2x Muck Hunter, - Countess Ashmore
I pack this in: +2x Fire Fly, +1x Battle Rage, +2x Vicious Fledgling, +2x Kor‘Kron Elite, +2x Cobalt Scalebane, + The Black Knight, + The Lich King
I removed 1x Cobalt Scalebane and 1x Fire Fly.
Added in 1x Cruel Taskmaster and 1x Scourgelord Garrosh
I removed the cobalt because it's "next turn damage" and since this is a rush/charge deck, I felt this was hurting it too much. I left one in there for late game though just in case. I removed one fire fly because I felt it was the weakest card left in the deck.
Added one taskmaster for the combos on the enrage minions (thinking of removing the other fire fly and adding in a second taskmaster because it just goes better in this deck). Scourgelord I put in for late game and to help clear taunts if needed.
I still don't have ashmore but I've been playing this (+/- a few cards depending on what I tend to face) a few days and am now up to rank 3 from 5 with 58% WR. It's not top tier but it's certainly viable and people who call it trash must be making some big mistakes in their plays.
You will struggle against warlock (unless you get lucky with some frothings they can't remove and rush them down), and control mage/druid can be hard but I rarely feel like the game is lost before I play. The tower can pull off some hilarious yolo wins where you bypass their wall of voidlords/walkers and get exact lethal on your last warpath.
tldr: haters, accept that the tower is much better than people gave it credit for. If you are low on dust I wouldn't say it's a must-craft, but I certainly don't regret it and it's going to be my first golden legendary craft.
Is darus crowley worth crafting? I'm asking generally, not specifically for this deck.
If you like tempo decks like this, I would say yes. He's almost always a 6/5 or 6/4 the turn you play him and if they can't deal with him he can snowball pretty hard, especially if you slap a rampage on him. The rush mechanic makes him so much better than Boogeymonster since you don't have to wait for the buff.
Over 10k dust for a trashtier deck
I really like the deck. Only change I made was putting in Leeroy Jenkins for Blackhowl Gunspire for a slightly better curve and great finishing partner with Garrosh.
I dont have Blackhowl Gunspire or Countess Ashmore so I have swapped them for 2nd Acolyte Of Pain and Rotface
I could craft them but its still early on the expancion and I'm waiting for other cool decks to build
sorry but this is really bad. tried it for 5 games at rank 5, 6 and lost them all. this deck is okay early but simply no middle to late game reach. too reliant on drawing good and not good against other more refined lists.
Win condition? Maybe adding Elise or ysera? Or Alex?
you don't seem to understand how a tempo deck works...
The top-end seems a bit... anti-Tempo? The early game looks amazing though!
is Blackhowl Gunspire worth crafting or will i get more value from Countess Ashmore?
Blackhowl Gunspire doesn't seem worth putting into the deck, let alone crafting it just for it. On the other hand, Countess Ashmore is probably gonna see a lot of play in a lot of decks over the next two years.
hows gunspire working out for people worth the craft?
Well I can't say if it's worth the craft, but it does some crazy stuff with Warpath, clears board and - if on empty and u got 10 mana - 15 dmg to the face. Not too shabby.
Really looking forward to a guide for this! As a newer player who is just taking hearthstone more seriously, this was a competitive deck that didn't cost me much dust due to my luck on launch! :D
I've homebrewed something similar and managed to push rank 4. This means I'm on the right track :P I do run Woodcutter's Axe and Marsh Drake for some early tempo.
I've had some decent luck with this at rank 5 and 4 so far. It's a lot more consistent than the other highly rated deck that focuses more on making a ton of spires. My best matchups so far seem to be the new face hunter and paladin, but it's too early to say whether it's consistent. I don't have Ashmore or muck hunters so for now I'm trying out two more whirlwinds (it really helps against the aforementioned matchups) and a brawl (useless so far, will probably swap it out soon but I figured it might help if someone assembles a board too large to be dealt with with WWs...maybe sleep with the fishes?)
Fortunately I haven't run into many warlocks but they are very hard. That said, killing these aggro guys with cannon balls to the face is very satisfying so I'll accept some auto-losses from decks like that.
For anyone whose tried this deck is it worth crafting? Looks fun