Dude Paladin
- Last updated Apr 11, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 19 Minions
- 9 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Silver Hand Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 7360
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/11/2018 (Patches Nerf)
- Kartoha
- Pro Player
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Deck builder most likely thought pre-expac that Countess Ashmore would tutor the Paragon of Light, which explains their inclusion even though there are only two activators for Paragon. We've since learned Ashmore will only draw cards with innate keywords, not ones with conditional keywords, it no longer makes sense to include it. You can try to salvage it with Chillblade Champion, but as others have stated it's probably best to just remove Ashmore and some of her package.
The deck really needs a way to break through mid-game barriers to seal the final damage, so -Ghostly Charger +Spellbreaker and/or Lightfused Stegodon.
As someone else stated Paragon is too inconsistent in this deck with getting a buff fur it not to be a Priest liability, so -Paragon of Light +Unidentified Maul #2, or more pressure with Marsh Drake/Vicious Fledgling.
Fun deck that I really want to see optimized, but the deck does struggle to break through midgame. Some adjustments I've made to help early on and take advantage of Paragon of Light:
-1 Ghostly Charger
-1 Tirion Fordring
-1 Countess Ashmore
-1 Vinecleaver
-1 Level Up!
+1 Sword of Justice (This card has been proven to be a huge help in early game...may look for a way to add a 2nd. Possibly - Crystal Lion)
+1 Sound the Bells! (Great finisher)
+1 Crystal Lion
+1 Silver Sword (A must have for late game)
+1 Equality (Cheap board clear)
The trouble I seem to be having on average now is card draw
Fun deck, mixed results early in the expac (rank 14). Seems particularly weak against control.
Greater success with the following:
Win rate north of 60% and currently at rank 12.
Hello! This is nice deck, but I choose to remove Countess Ashmore and add Silver Sword
Try it, you will be SURPRISE! :)
Update :
I dont get the paragon of light what is she stands for ?
Just figured out :D thanks !
She keeps her Taunt and Lifesteal even if Dire wolf is taken off the board, correct?
Unfortunately, no
Nope, I feel this drastically reduces her value.
Am I missing something or is there not many ways to turn on Paragon of Light?
Edit: Nevermind, just played a game with a wolf buff :)
This is one of the best WW Dude Paladin decks so far!
Don't know why some people add Val'anyr in aggro decks,it's just too slow and Sunkeeper Tarim is way better.
I will try this deck! +1
Does Paragon of Light get drawn by Countess Ashmore since it technically doesn't have Lifesteeal until buffed?
No. Countess ashmore in this would only dray Tirion...
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