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Jurassic Hunter

  • Last updated Apr 11, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Big Beast Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 8380
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/10/2018 (Patches Nerf)
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Hello again! My name is Ashaf,


Join me as I continue to churn out stupid yet fun Hunter decks for the WW expansion. This time around, I have a raw version of the WW Big Hunter or Jurassic Hunter. The deck is in the initial stages and requires a lot of testing before it will reach it's final version. It might not the be the meta dominating deck (yet!), but if you are interested in trying out a fun deck, this one might be just for you!


The deck design is based around popping out big dinosaurs from your deck to eat your opponents face. But this time these beast will be bigger and more hungry with a certain frenzy spell casted on them. Dire Frenzy makes the deck viable since you will have multiple dinosaurs in your deck and potentially never run out of them (this is simply not true). With two Charged Devilsaur and King Krush, as well as 6 other buffed dinosaurs, you have a solid 9 dinos to recruit. Since you are recruiting them, they can all go face regardless of the limitations of the Charged Devilsaur. A free 10/10 hitting face doesn't sound too shabby. 


So how does the deck work and why it might be better this time around?


You will have three recruit minions in your deck. Kathrena and two Silver Vanguard. The reason for this is simple, you need to get the deathrattle on your Sweeping Oozling. In case you draw Kathrena, you are not sitting ducks with your entire deck useless. That's why there are Silver Vanguard. Yes, Silver Vanguard deathrattle only recruit your Devilsaurs and not Krush, as long as they are recruiting, your deck is performing. Once your Sweeping Oozling have either deathrattle, it will become high priority target for your opponent. So you need to pop it fast. 


There are many ways to effectively pop your Sweeping Oozling and now I will discuss them. The obvious ones are Play Dead and Terrorscale Stalker. The other options you have are:


1) Houndmaster Shaw

This card gives rush to all minions. If your opponent has a 4 attack minion on board, you are golden as you can easily pop your Ooz and recruit a beast. 

2) Wing Blast

You make it cost 1 mana after a minion dies. Use it on your own Ooz. 



So, there you have it. More ways to pop your Ooz. 


The early game is mostly card draws and Fearie Dragon, since it has a stronger staying power on the board, which is crucial for early game and it's not a beast, which will be bad for the deck. Turn 3 is typical Hunter set with Eaglehorn Bow, Animal Companion, and Terrorscale Stalker for activation, although you can play it on turn 3 to gain some tempo. Turn 4 is powerful, really powerful. Turn 5 is Carrion Drake for board presence and control. It also combines well with Houndmaster Shaw if kill a minion on the same turn, not only do you get a 3/7 poisonous but get an immediate kill. 


The deck design is better then it was in KnC because of the new spells added in WW. It has more board control and more synergy with beasts. Dire Frenzy makes the deck very interesting to play and hopefully it will be a solid deck to come!


Hope you enjoyed the deck design. Head over to my Hunter Deck list thread for more discussion about this deck or other decks.


See you around!


EDIT: Made a huge huge mistake of adding in Loot Hoarder and Bloodmage Thalnos. Removed now and added in the ever reliable Trackingalong with Stitched Tracker, one of my favorite Hunter cards. 

Apologies for the mess.