Kolento's Warlock - BlizzCon 2014 EU Regionals
- Last updated Sep 30, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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- 21 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 4960
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/30/2014 (Naxx Launch)
- Fluxflashor
- Registered User
- 31
- 104
- 694
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Help i don´t know if i should disenchant brawl and force of nature to complete this deck
why i can change 1xEarthen Ring Farseer on Alexstraza?
or one OWL
I only seem to be winning maybe 50% of my games, can anyone give tips on playing this deck. Is Lord Jaraxxus that critical to this deck?
Make that 30% of games...what the heck am I doing wrong. Every class is crushing me.
Your probally playing against lot of hunters and doing a ton of mistakes. Handlock is one off the hardest decks too play. i would suggest watching other good players play the deck and see what they do and say about the deck annd if all you met is hunter don't play hand lock, if your not extremely good at the deck its a auto loss .
You need to take in consideration that this deck was made for a tournament, not for climbing in the ladder, so probably in the ladder scenario, it's not that good, because you don't have ban system, and all those things.
Ah I see, well that was my mistake then. I was using it to climb the ladder, but all I did was drop, hard lol. I am at rank 19 currently, haven't been this low for a while. I am not a good deck builder, but I want to play some other decks (used hunter last season, but it's boring and everyone uses it). Anyways, thanks for the feedback.
I made it to legend last week with this deck. Jarraxxus probably accounted for at least a solid 10-15% of my games won so I would say he is crucial
adjust the deck. 2 hellfire is mandatory especially when you see tons of shaman and aggro decks.
This is a tournament style deck. It's gonna suffer a lot on ladder unless your in the legend area where there are more control decks.
practice with friends and play a lot of games at casual with no stress.watch as more as you can streams of pro palyers playing handlock.work the combos and all the possible combinations of the cards in your head.always count your hand and the damage that you can do in one turn and over 2-3 turns ahead.
How does one play this deck efficiently? I can't seem to get past rank 18.
it's good right now because of the decline of hunters on ladder.
I made it to legend last week with this deck, but minus 1 death coil for a black knight
what decks were ya facing that made ya put black knight in? i'm finally picking up handlock and trying to learn the matchups
was seeing lot's of other handlocks - so good good mileage there, and a huge amount of decks are running sludge belcher, and even almost every hunter runs 2 animal companion/2hound masters so it was never really a dead card, always seemed to get much more out of it then the second coil
Kolento's and Kaor's handlock decks are absolutely the same. Oo
Never change something that is overpowered! And since handlock is so massive OP, there is no much of an change.