[WW] Tess Big Rogue
- Last updated Apr 9, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 19 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 10360
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/10/2018 (Patches Nerf)

- Reinan23
- Registered User
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This deck looks very meme haha, what you guys think? Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
We have decent amount of survivability with x2 Plated Beetle , x2 Rotten Applebaum , x2 Deranged Doctor .
x2 Hallucination , x1 Arfus , x1 The Lich King , x2 Blink Fox and Elise the Trailblazer to support Tess Greymane .
Shadowstep in case you pull Tess Greymane from Silver Vanguard or Kobold Illusionist .
Dream cards from Ysera dont works with Tess Greymane .
I didn't have arfus Cairne or Elise so I put in two roll the bones and Valera the hollow.
I´m using a different version of BigRogue, cause I don´t like Tess. I tried her and the other burglecards in different type of decks and most time i got only bad cards I can´t use. Just death cards in hand.
I´m not very satisfied with my personal list, cause it´s terrible bad against aggro and I got a very bad draw most time. I often don´t have the right cards in right moments. Don´t ask me why.
Here´s a pic from my list. I´m not sure about the sleepy dragon and some other cards. I hope the next expansions will bring more stuff to make Big Rogue a better deck. Cause I really like the idea of that deck and I want to play it also in standard. The idea for this deck is from Dane. I once saw his video and I wanna play this deck too, cause it seems very funny.
So I really want to go full meme using Pick Pocket, I removed Silver Vanguard so I always get to play Tess Greymane as well. Does anyone have some Ideas to help keep the deck at it's highest meme potential while still being sorta competitive (meaning I don't plan on getting above rank 10 but I don't want to always be losing)
Also I don't have Sonya Shadowdancer so what would be a good replacement or should I craft her to help the memes
That's a good question Ziion84, i believe it will not resummon since Faceless Manipulator is a neutral card so even if you steal Gul'dan DK and become Warlock it will not work but I'm not sure to be honest
I'm loving this deck a lot, it's incredibly troll and actually not too bad. Only real change I made was swapping out the shadowsteps (since most of the minions are deathrattle anyway) for spell stones to help with removal. So fun!
Haha glad you are having a good time with this list.
Source on Tess not working with Ysera? Ysera cards apparently work with Obsidian Shard:
"Death Knight cards count as another class, Dream cards do not. Like with Ethereal Peddler."
Interesting decklist, however I think it lacks of removal and card draw. I also don't feel like Elise the Trailblazer and Tess Greymane are really needed here.
I would cut
Elise the Trailblazer without a doubt.
Tess Greymane and the whole package (Hallucination and Blink Fox)
Maybe even Arfus and Spiritsinger Umbra
That would release 6-8 spots in your deck:
What would I add:
Valeera the Hollow WIthout a doubt
Card draw: a couple of Loot Hoarder and Bloodmage Thalnos
See, the MVPs of your deck are really the combination of Kobold Illusionist Silver Vanguard Deranged Doctor and The Lich King so you should stick to the plan, and try to get those pieces in your hand ASAP.
Then, you have 2 options for removal: 2 Lesser Onyx Spellstone or 2 Vilespine Slayer
Other cards you should consider immo are:
a weapon pack: Kingsbane with 2 Deadly Poison 1- 2 Cavern Shinyfinder and 2 Cutthroat Buccaneer 1- 2 Doomerang
If meta goes full of zoo decks, you can change Rotten Applebaum for Abomination
Lol, yeah nice hamburger you have, I would however change the patty and the burger
Maybe add:
Dollmaster Dorian and Roll the Bones with Umbra on board.
Remove Backstab and Eviscerate and add another Sap,since you're not combo and more of illusionist
I thought about this combo but it seems very delayed (turn 7 or more) and you need highroll with Roll the Bones otherwise it will be a disaster also theres only one end of turn effect in the deck which i believe is the best way to take value from Dollmaster Dorian .
Backstab and Eviscerate are pretty core since you need that tools to control the board or just to have some extra burn damage, Backstab will helps activate your Silver Vanguard right away too so it's really important to have.
Im thinking about Charged Devilsaur and Carnivorous Cube problem is that Rogue doesn't have Play Dead or Dark Pact to trigger Cube effect, it's really hard for me to figure out the best list since i never played Big Rogue before and dont know what the meta is going to be.