Witchwood Cube Warlock
- Last updated Apr 17, 2018 (Witchwood)
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- 20 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Cubelock
- Crafting Cost: 11160
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/9/2018 (Patches Nerf)
- user-100009310
- Registered User
- 13
- 31
- 114
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Nothing in this deck is set in stone, so make some changes if you feel something aint right.
Alot of aggro decks on ladder right now so i added defensive tools like Stonehill Defender and Doomsayer to the deck.
Acidic Swamp Ooze was added because alot of classes are running weapons + helps in mirror fight.
Alternative Cards:
Ratcatcher , Voodoo Doll , Rotten Applebaum , Twisting Nether , Prince Taldaram , Dark Possession , Mortal Coil , Spellbreaker , Curse of Weakness , Baleful Banker , Tar Creeper
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Whitebeard decided to make video on tweaked version of cubelock. Check it out.
Have 1600 dust spare, Which should i craft?
Craft: Umbra, Godfrey, 1 Mountain Giant (already have one) 1200 spare.
Cheers Harrison
Isn't siphon soul essential in this deck?
How run this desk in the new meta? Before the ww I saw very lock, but after this I see few lock. It cubelock now a good desk or it's better hunter or pala or shaman? Thanks
replacement for umbra and godfrey?
I suppose spellbreaker and twisting nether
i don't have umbra, can i replace her?
If I don't have godfrey what can i use?
probally twisting nether
tell me a strategy game against a taunt druid
Rank 15 is a wall of Cubelock. Although Blizzard says many decks can beat Cubelock its power level is too strong and it seems to me too many players are playing it. I love the new expansion but Cubelock and Spiteful decks are broken and are preventing the creation of a larger variety of decks. Anyone know any stats on the popularity of these decks?
Thanks for the advise. I'll try it out! Any particular taunt druid deck you recommend or have had success with?
This is false, cubelock is strong only if luck is on your side. Otherwise you end up with a hand full of cards while watching your opponent beating you to dust.
It’s not till turn 5 where the deck starts ramping up. Tar creepers r a must imo as this turn 3 card can stop most stuff till turn 5 where u can play ur weapon and build ur defense. Use the kilad librarians when u have lesser amethyst spellstones to do lifesteal 5 + dmg to kill stuff around turn 4 if needed. Other than that just draw cards. U take lots of dmg but dark pact gets u on track. I use mortal coils over giants cause the synergy with defile is amazing. Hope this helps.
A downside to cube-lock is that it can be slow if you don't have certain cards ( Possessed Lackey,Dark Pact,Kobold Librarian,Stonehill Defender,Defile,Lesser Amethyst Spellstone,Hellfire)
Since this deck is very similar to [K&C] Dog's Cubelock
I highly suggest you check this guide out as it will help you understand how to cube-lock.
You always (generally) want to mulligan > 6 cost cards. keep Skull of the Man'ari in hand, and depending on what your match up is, and mulligan demons. With the amount of Acidic Swamp Ooze in decks keeping demons in your hand can make it that much harder to play. As you NEVER want to play doomguard unless you're going to win that turn.
Hoping to get Possessed Lackey. Mulligan is highly dependent on your match up. If I know I'm going to be taking damage early or against a possible aggro I will keep Lesser Amethyst Spellstone and a board clear Defile,Hellfire,Doomsayer.
Doomsayers are nothing new for cubelock, but how to use them can be quite tricky. You can either preemptive lay one down to anticipate a card you don't / can't deal with right away. Or in most cases he basically saves you 7 damage to the face as the opponent is forced to kill him. If a situation is dire and you can always play Doomsayer ->Carnivorous Cube->Dark Pact. While it's not a recommend use of a cube, this play can heal you up, and possibly wipe the board.
Early game if you think you can survive and have an absolute shite hand, lifetap to gain advantage. Otherwise it's okay to not lifetap to hold on to that precious 2 life. With the amount of damage this expansion from aggro/face builds, and Baku the Mooneater, Genn Greymane. It's okay to wait it out. In a best case you have 30 healing between Greater Amethyst Spellstone, and Dark Pact. Try and space your healing out until you become established with voidlord or various other means of defense.
This is just a few thoughts.
same here.
i only have dust for godfrey/umbra or a manipulator doomsayers. what should i craft ?
Godfrey is probably going to be a Warlock staple for how good it is. However, doomsayers are useful in many decks and in almost all classes. It's up to you. Personally, I would do doomsayers since they're always going to be useful and there's a chance you'll unpack godfrey (unless you're done opening witchwood packs already).
Umbra and manipulators are both decent, but are pretty niche.
Hi I am new to cubelock, I have everything except for umbra, and lord Godfrey. I have replaced umbra with a spell breaker and replaced Godfrey with the Lich King. I don’t have twisting nether, so is the lich king suitable? I find that I start to run out of threats when facing Baku quest warrior.