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Rank 3-Legend 60+% WR!! The Prince of the Funga...

  • Last updated Apr 8, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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  • 28 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Zoolock
  • Crafting Cost: 4880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/1/2018 (Patches Nerf)
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**First of all, no, I did not create this deck.  However, I did make it to legendary after a streak of 18-6 from rank 2 to legend on March 31 (good for 75% win percentage). Overall I was:

  • 6-2 vs mage (most secret mage, I think I went 1-1 against big spell mage).
  • 6-1 vs paladin (most murlocs)
  • 2-2 against warlock
  • 4-4 vs priest
  • 3-1 vs hunter

UPDATE (April season)

Added Nerubian Unraveler.  If behind Saronite Chain Gangs, you will probably win the game haha.  It's actually way more useful than I ever could have imagined.  I could even see the argument of adding 2 of them now.  In practice, it ruins warlock (if you can coin him out on turn 5), secret mage (if they're top decking - can be tough if they already have Aluneth and a couple Kabal Crystal Runners out), priest (actually completely ruins them, spiteful or combo), and one time I was against a spiteful druid who very clearly had Ultimate Infestation in hand.  He could do nothing.

To get to legend in April, here are notable stats (starting from rank 4):

  • 10-8 vs hunter (4 of those were turn 3-4 Barnes).
  • 5-7 vs mage
  • 19-11 vs paladin
  • 14-8 vs priest
  • 15-8 vs warlock

Overall I had a 64% win percentage.

Mulligan Guide

Most of the time you're keeping Flame Imp, Glacial Shard, Kobold Librarian.  You can keep Malchezaar's Imp if you have a Soulfire, or if you're unlucky enough to have no other 1 drops.  It should go without saying you're keeping Prince Keleseth.  Another one you want all the time is Darkshire Councilman.  Other than that you're mulliganing everything else.

(so, tl;dr, mulligan anything 4 or 5 cost UNLESS you're against a warlock then keep Spellbreaker).

Also, if against paladin, and you only drew a Darkshire Councilman and 2 or 3 other 4+ cost cards, you might wanna mulligan him too, although you don't have to since there's a good chance you'll get early drops.

The unsung hero of this deck is the Glacial Shard.  You can screw with sooo many game plans with that.

Also, please throw away Dark Iron Dwarf (unless you subbed something else in), Despicable Dreadlord, Doomguard, Fungalmancer, Leeroy Jenkins every single time, without question. I knoowwww I already said this but it simply has to be said again and again haha. Some people might say "But the dreadlord will wreck silverhand paladins you're dumb if you mulligan that."  You need to keep up board presence throughout the paladin matchup.  If you have a 5 mana card stuck in your hand from turn 1, you'll likely die.

Possible Substitutions/Tech Choices

The deck is honestly in its prime form here.  I'm guessing since you're here, you already have Prince Keleseth.  If you don't have him, play a different zoolock and have fun losing =D (just kidding haha).

Leeroy Jenkins is a necessary finisher.  You can substitute in the obvious choices of Argent Commander or Reckless Rocketeer, but that'll drop your win rate significantly.  The better choice to sub in might be a Cobalt Scalebane.

If for some reason you are struggling against secret mages, sub out a single Fungalmancer for an Eater of Secrets.  It shouldn't be a problem though since you can flood the board and put up more threats than a secret mage can deal with.

I STRONGLY recommend leaving in the Nerubian Unraveler.  He single-handedly won me so many games.

How to play

So, warlock is my least played champion and I still made legend with this deck.  If I can do it, so can you.  You should have no problem flooding the board again and again.  

Vs Paladin - You have more late game potential than they do.  Simply keep their board down no matter what.  Don't be afraid to Soulfire an early murloc or Steward of Darkshire.  Again, glacial Shard is your best friend.  With its 2 attack you can take out most early murloc threats with him (or silver hand guys of course). Honestly, it's not that tough of a matchup.  Just play around Divine Favor if you can.  If you manage to get Fungalmancer on your Saronite Chain Gang, or even just the Voidwalker, it's gg.  I should note that I added the Tar Creeper later to this deck to help deal with Paladins even more.

(Also, please don't play Leeroy Jenkins when they have Knife Juggler on board haha.  I swear those guys prioritize poor Leeroy.)

Vs secret mage - Flood dat board!  They can't deal with all the threats and you can kill them by turn 5-7, before they can double fireball your face.  Silence Mana Wyrm. Again, Saronite Chain Gang and Glacial Shards are your best friend.

Vs Warlock - Flood board but play around Defile as best as you can.  Again, not a super tough matchup.  Keep the Spellbreaker and silence his Possessed Lackey and gg.  Play Nerubian Unraveler turn 5 or 6 if you can to get around Dark Pact as best as you can.

Vs Hunter - Flood board.  Get out early taunts and you should win.  If he gets a turn 3/4 Barnes into Y'shaarj though, it's probably game (unless you can protect yourself with Saronite Chain Gang, but it's not promising).

Vs Priest - play around Duskbreaker as best as you can.  If big priest, silence any early threats.  I think I beat big priest no problem, but had more trouble with the combo/steal priest.  I think you just kinda pray for good card draw in this matchup (I'm no expert haha, so maybe I'm backwards in this matchup, but I donno).

Vs Rogue - if they are Kingsbane mill rogue, this matchup is a joke.  Save Glacial Shards for his face. Kill him by turn 5 and laugh.  Not much else to say about this.  Even if it's standard miracle rogue, they should have trouble keeping up with your board pressure.  Not saying it's impossible, because expert miracle players can be scary, but you should be able to eke out a victory against them.

That's it for the main matchups.  I can't really think of any obvious ones I'm missing.

Tl;dr, flood that board. Play around board clears.  If you do get board cleared, do not fret!  This deck has enough potential and card draw thanks to that blasted hero power so you can come back pretty easily.  10 mana Leeroy Jenkins + Doomguard is a nasty combo, especially if they are buffed by Prince Keleseth.

Final thoughts

This is a very strong deck, and I imagine it's strong at all ranks.  You can beat paladins pretty easily, and you need a little bit of luck vs warlocks.  Also, the average game was 5-6 minutes using this deck, so you can climb fast.  Feel free to give it a try!  I'm surprised how few zoo-locks there are on ladder actually.