Shimmering Stampede! (Unicorn Paladin)
- Last updated Mar 13, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 18 Minions
- 9 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Handbuff Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 6900
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 3/7/2018 (Patches Nerf)
- kiwiinbacon
- Deck Architect
- 14
- 43
- 248
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Here's a video Showcase for more Insight on the deck!
Hey guys! Before anything, I would like you to remember to +1 the post if you liked it. It helps me quite a bit.
KiwiiNbacon here. For those who don't know me, I'm a multiple time legendary player on the NA server. I also do deck showcase videos on youtube once in a while. Join us for some tip and tricks!
I bet you are so done with this stale meta. And yes the expansion is coming out in like a month. however in the meantime I'm pretty sure you would like to have a good time. If you are like me, I bet you will enjoy this deck quite a bit. This deck revolves around Buffing your Shimmering Courser
The point of the deck is to survive until late game and overrun the board with big minions. Plenty of removal, an tempo cards are included to slow down the aggression which helps this deck get into the late game. I personally think that this deck is refreshing when you compare it to all these warlocks and priests we currently see on the ladder.
Play on curve, out-trade your opponent, clear you opponent's board and you'll have an easier time getting to the late game stage of the game where you can buff your Coursers
no coin: you want to keep Drygulch Jailor, loot hoarders and Smuggler's Run letting your jailor die and then placing in a run lets you get a ton of value early in the game.
with Coin: With the coin, you can keep the same but on top of it you should try to get some more minions to hit with your Smuggler's Run or Wickerflame Burnbristle.
Don't forget to sub: for more decks like this one in the future!
I hope you guys enjoy playing this deck as much as I did, and May the top decks be in your favor.
Hi , i am new to hearthstone so i don't have these cards yet but i wanted to craft it. Can anyone add me ,i wanna watch this deck gameplay and decide. thank you!
my tag is riya#11536
This deck looks promising, until I get enough dust to craft Val'anyr , can there be a good sub card?
Would this be a good deck to play in a casual tournament? I'm 75 dust away from being able to craft two unicorns but I don't know if I should save that dust for the expansion. Looking for something new and fun to play in the meantime and this looks 1000x's more fun than murloc and dude pally.
Don't craft this for now, just save your dust! I am however making a new fun deck tonight, I'll post it on here. Hopefully you'll have the cards for this and it'll be just as fun!
Oh, awesome! I will be on the lookout for that later, then. I'll save my dust for now but when I'm able, I will definitely try this deck. Upvoted anyway since I love the concept and I love seeing creative decks like this!
fun deck alert!!!!
Val'anyr x Dopplegangster is broken AF! :D LMAO
I don 't like Fight Promoter. She may draw 2 cards, but i don't find anything special about her for the deck.
Lynessa Sunsorrow would be a way better addition to the deck. And for additional draw you may use Blessing of Wisdom
I agree with your point but Fight Promoter is still useful if you don't have Lynessa. There are many buffs in the deck and the health of the card itself counts for draw. She can get buffed by Valanyr and then you get 2 draws.
This deck is fun to play, but in meta it is not steady enough... but still, i`m playing it :)
I love the idea of Buffadin. I did amazingly with one in early KnC when I opened Lynessa Sunsorrow and Val'anyr within five packs of each other. Went from 20 to 15 easily, but stalled there as the meta settled.
That Unicorn can only be played if your opponent has a very weak or no board or you can buff it the same turn. Then it will be ruined by silence.
I just lose to everything, agro, control, weird decks no one has seen before, this is too inconsistent.
If what you said is true, this deck IS infact very CONSISTENT
You do understand this deck was built during a stream just for fun? don't try hard with this XD
I swapped out the Fight Promoters for and Aldor Peacekeeper and a Fungalmancer. Deck seems to have enough draw already. Fungalmancer is great for helping activate Meanstreet Marshal and works well with Drygulch Jailor.
Is this possible to replace Wickerflame Burnbristle ? What is the best way?
delete your whole deck and don't bother playing pally without it :P
You can try Chillblade Champion . He has lifesteal and charge which works well with hand buff. Lifesteal help you to stay alive longer against aggro and force them to do awkward trade for even more heal.Charge will help you to get a head of the race and even in the worst case, it heals you for 3 and trade with 1 minion. It also synergy with Valanyr for a surprise lethal burst: 4 damage from the last swing then it get the buff and charge for an additional 7 damage with only 4 mana.
Tar Creeper