ThoNeverTired´s Fast´n´Wild Tempo Mage
- Last updated Feb 28, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 13 Minions
- 17 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Tempo Mage
- Brawl: The Wild Brawliseum
- Crafting Cost: 1980
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/28/2018 (Patches Nerf)

- SuperTho_No1
- Registered User
- 2
- 28
- 29
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Hi Folks!
here´s my "OLD SCHOOL" Tempo Mage -> Aggro Mage with the main view @ Flamewalker...
.....btw i know it´s just a fun Deck, but it works for me fine (for the first 5 matches till now,...)
it´s easy to play but i´m happy about your changes to the decklist to make the deck "excellent" ," Awesome" ;-).....
so have fun!
edit: 1st run ended with 6 wins.......
Thank you for posting this deck. Having a blast in casual wild!!
Didn't do much of the Brawl but having fun leveling in Wild with this deck.
nice to hear;-)