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[TOP 5 LEGEND] Orange's Combo Priest

  • Last updated Apr 3, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: OTK Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 4680
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/20/2018 (Patches Nerf)
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          Hey guys, it's Bullseye again. Not a while ago, many people started asking me about a good combo priest deck for ladder after the nerfs. So I've decided to write a guide on Orange's Top 5 Legend Combo Priest, which he piloted to legend on multiple servers. What makes this deck more successful, in my opinion, than other combo priest decks in the current meta is the substitution of 2 Curious Glimmerroots for 2 Tar Creepers, the inclusion of Lyra and a 1x Cabal Shadowpriest.

        If you guys show any interest I'll write a guide on how to pilot the deck. Meanwhile, you can ask any questions about the deck in the comments section or check out my other post-nerf decks! Please upvote the deck if you liked it, as it would help out a lot. 


Kiwiinbacon has once again made another awesome video showcasing the strengths of this deck, while explaining every move he makes. Make sure to check out the video, as it is difficult to pilot this deck unless you see some one do it properly, and subscribe to his youtube channel for more awesome content.


Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8ArNKE0vzsClKov3CKBG1A


Post-Patches nerf decks: 

Zetalot's Top 10 Legend Mind Blast Priest: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1058568-top-12-legend-zetalots-mind-blast-priest

Senfglas' Top 20 Freeze Mage: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1058467-top-20-legend-senfglas-freeze-mage

Muzzy's Top 150 Legend Zoolock: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1035199-top-150-legend-muzzys-zoolock

Ender's [Top 10 Murlocadin]https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1035183-top-6-7-legends-enders-murlocadin.

 Bullseye's Legend Spiteful Priest: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1036881-legend-bullseyes-spiteful-priest

Orange's Top 5 Legend Combo Priest: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1040397-top-5-legend-oranges-combo-priest


+20=Mulligans and Card Replacements

One of the things that makes it quite difficult to pilot this deck, as opposed to other combo style decks, is that your play style becomes completely different when you play against different decks. Therefore, there are quite a few things that you need to remember in the mulligan stage. Although, it sounds difficult at first, I assure you that it is quite simple and logical. 

VS. Aggro: 

In general, you're looking for cards like Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental, Potion of Madness, Duskbreaker and, depending on whether you have a good hand/curve, tar creeper or/and kabal talonpriest.



On the other hand, you're looking for cards like Northshire Cleric, Radiant Elemental if you've got Power Word: Shield, Kabal Talonpriest with a good hand and Twilight Drake.


Card Replacements:

Image result for golden netherspite historian

Netherspite Historian: Dragon Faerie, synergises well with the dragons and can is just a good 2 drop in general.

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Cabal Shadowpriest: Crazed Alchemist or second Potion of Madness.

Image result for golden lyra the sunshard

Lyra the Sunshard: Cobalt Scalebane or Book Wyrm.

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Twilight Acolyte: Shadow Ascendant, can prove to be a very powerful tempo play.

Image result for golden shadow visions

Shadow visions: I'd say that it is too important of a card, without which this deck wouldn't work. I would recommend crafting it if you don't have it already, since it's gonna stay in standard in the Year of the Raven and it's used in most priest decks - other than spiteful priest.

+40= Matchups and Tech Choices

These are the stats of the last 4 days against other classes, according to Metastats.net:

Shaman: 53%

Mage: 52%

Priest: 52%

Warlock: 51%

Warrior: 51%

Druid: 50%

Rogue: 49%

Paladin: 47%

Therefore, with the right plays and decisions, you can pretty much win against the majority of the decks in the meta, which is why a lot of pros play this on high legend ladder - other than the fact that the legend meta suits this deck very well.

Tech choices: 

Crazed Alchemist: Strong against control and aggro. You can value trade very well against aggro and achieve the combo faster against control.

Silence/Mass Dispel: Really powerful in the current state of the meta, especially now that the Warlocks have taken over. If you face to many control/cube warlocks, I would suggest that you'd change a silence for a mass dispel.

Lyra the Sunshard:

Tar Creeper: Insanely powerful against aggro, and proves to be a good target for your buffs in both matchups.

Cabal Shadowpriest: Since Twilight Acolyte has become a core card in Dragon priest, Cabal Shadowpriest can prove to be game changingly powerful against control decks in the late game, and is decent against aggro decks.

+60 upvotes= Plays


Try to keep your innerfires against control until you can OTK them. You usually wanna stick your buffs on a single guy and smack your opponent for 25+ but, if you have the resources, you can buff two different minions to ensure that you have something that will stick. Don't over commit onto the board, if you think he has a silence or heavy removal, try to wait for Lyra the sunshard.

Against aggro, use your buffs to make value trades and make the board as awkward as possible to deal with for them. Try to get as much value as possible from your Duskbreaker and try to keep their board in check.



I hope that I this guide was able to clear any doubts you had on piloting the deck. If you have any questions that have not been answered, feel free to ask away in the comments' section.