Yoggasino: He Giveth, He Taketh
- Last updated Feb 14, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 14 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Yogg Mage
- Crafting Cost: 8600
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 2/11/2018 (Patches Nerf)
- kiwiinbacon
- Deck Architect
- 14
- 43
- 248
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
This deck was not created in order to climb the ladder. However it is probably one of the best deck's to have a drink and just chill out. Channel the RNG trough your veins. Embrace your lord Yogg and provoke Chaos and misery on both yourself and the opponent.
Here's how to play + tips and tricks!?
As far as the Mulligan phase goes, just keep anything that cost 1 and 2 in your hand and don't really worry too much about it. Overall there isn't anything too important to keep. Just make sure your hand isn't too expensive and you should be fine.
Thanks for all your support, I make nice videos on youtube.com/user/canadianrumpunch so if you want more insight on other decks, come take a peek :P
Why no Mayor Noggenfogger
The deck that Rngesus himself plays. Praise Yogg!
You might be having issues mate. This deck has a 45% win rate at around rank 11 ish.
What those "giveth" and "taketh" words mean? I think that's some old English language but I don't really know what's the purpose of this "-th" in any words.
never go full tard
Now it's clear, thanks!
Can't even win casual games with this deck.
Yeah it depends what your MMR (hidden win/loss rating) on casual is if you win a lot likely you wont be playing again fun deck orientated people. Get a few losses in a row on casual then you'll get some fun games.
Rank 5 is fun stage! You see tons of fun decks there as many people don't bother or don't have the time to climb higher.
Just craft Sindragosa like me LUL
@zappi1984 yeah! all of those options are good :P
Tortollan Primalist! It's a turtle!
this better be good I've crafted 2 deck of wonders for this
15 games in the only drink I would recommend is bleach
A rogue conceded right after the mulligan tho, so it's not even 100% loss/win ratio. feels bad.
If you went in tryharding, no wonder you are having a hard time.
There is a reason I put a Disclaimer at the top
You crafted for a Yogg deck? Yogg hasn't been relevant since the nerf of it. For fun only!