Kathrena Cuberattle [Wild]
- Last updated Jan 26, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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- 22 Minions
- 6 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Big Beast Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 11180
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/23/2018 (Kobolds Patch)

- WhatAChamp
- Registered User
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This deck is built around big tempo swings from strong deathrattles. Much of the early game is about making trades and staying alive until you can pull off your win condition. As of now, I have yet to lose with the deck. I'm currently 8-0 and have been win streaking up to rank 12. I've beaten Cubelock twice, Aggro Paladin, Renolock and Razakus Priest as well as a few I don't remember.
Win Condition:
Our win condition is to use Carnivorous Cube on King Krush or a Charged Devilsaur, followed by 1-3 copies of Play Dead and/or Feign Death. Alternatively, you can play Spiritsinger Umbra before cube and then Play Dead. This provides you with anywhere between 2-6 7/7 or 8/8 chargers to burst down your opponent.
Another win condition is to play Kathrena Winterwisp followed by a Play Dead (or two!) to pull 2-3 chargers from your deck for big burst. This is less likely to work as it relies on 2 or 3 dinos to still be in your deck.
Against slow decks, we should be working toward setting up one of these win conditions for a big charger turn. Against quick decks, we can just play these cards whenever necessary. I've found that every game I've been able to eventually stick a dino to the board. Sometimes I'll use my cube on other minions like Sylvanas if they leave her up or even a Mistress for defensive purposes.
Other Plays
In addition to our win conditions, there are a number of strong plays that can be made throughout the match. For example Sylvanas Windrunner + Play Dead is a huge tempo swing against decks like Cubelock and Big Priest. Dropping a bunch of eggs into a Feign Death provides the pressure we need to close out some games early while still having AOE insurance on the board.
Kathrena Winterwisp
Oddly enough, in all of my matchups, I've only managed to play Kathrena once. I've found it difficult to draw her on time and often end up just drawing my Devilsaurs and Krush before her. To those wondering, she's not a must-have craft. She's a fantastic asset to the deck and a great way to almost guarantee a following cube turn (difficult to clear her, the battlecry dino AND the deathrattle one). However, I've had no difficulty keeping dinos on the board as people often waste removal on some of the smaller threats or they just taunt up, assuming that's enough to keep them safe. All that being said, craft her if you can, but still play this deck if you don't have her. The nice thing about not having her in the deck is it opens you up to using more beasts (Plated Beetle in particular is really nice)
King Krush
Similar to Kathrena, Krush is an amazing card to have. However, in many games I find myself with two or three dinos in hand and only end up needing one or two of them to finish off my opponent. You could still make the deck work without Krush if you need to, particularly if you don't have Kathrena either. If you have her, two dinos is not enough to have consistency so you should probably add in something to replace Krush. If you don't have her, realistically you can put any number of beasts in the deck as substitutions since you don't have to worry about pulling them.
Deathstalker Rexxar
If you don't have DK, please just craft him. It's probably the most fun and interesting DK out there and it's absolutely broken in wild. I think the discover mechanic still prioritizes Un'Goro cards because I regularly get poison effects. There's all sorts of things you can do in wild to totally shred your opponent: Poisonous Dreadscale, poisonous Bloatbat with Play Dead, poor man's Krush with Devilsaur + Snowflipper Penguin, massive taunts to keep you alive longer. This deck is all about continual value so you'd be a fool to play without this card. It helps immensely in cubelock matchups to ensure you get your resources exhausted and it provides flexible survivability choices in other matchups.
Can I play this deck in standard?
Short answer: Sure! But probably not worth it. Go use the Dinocube Rexxar deck that was on the front page instead.
Long answer: This deck is designed to be a board based, combo-based deathrattle deck. It has tons of flexibility because most of the cards go well together. Sure, the ultimate combo is to use cube on a dino, but there are so many other options in this deck. Having access to Feign Death is crucial as it means we can safely use a Play Dead or two for tempo purposes since we don't need to hold them back for the dinocombo. Sylvanas provides crucial support against other control decks since stealing a Cube with two Voidlords in it, an Obsidian Statue, or a Tirion can be devastating. Devilsaur Eggs are okay replacements but Nerubian works so well on curve with the deathrattle trigger guy and has the benefit of escaping the wrath of priest removal. You can strip out some of the extra combos and throw it into standard but I don't think it will do as well against the refined decks as it does in wild where it thrives with the extra cards unlike many decks transposed into wild with one or two weak additions.
It pains me not to put Explosive Sheep in this deck as it is a fantastic combo with Play Dead. That being said, if I'm up against a ton of pallies, it's a definite swap-in over an egg or something else.
Emperor Thaurissan is an interesting choice in that it can allow you to do a 28 damage turn from empty board with Play Dead x2, Devilsaur and Cube. That being said, it's unlikely to happen and I don't find myself wishing I had more mana all that often.
If you don't have Kathrena, put in Plated Beetle. Before I remembered that it screws with her draw, I had one in and I summoned 8 more of them using cube against a pally. That was the sole reason I won the match and I wish I could put it in without throwing my plays.
Deadly Shot is a pretty handy removal that might be worth testing out.
Any other removal that you like. I would avoid heavy secrets as they're really not worth it for the most part and we have tons of things in the 2 slot.
Cool deck! I Just Carnivorous Cubed a Charged Devilsaur and then used both Play Dead and Terrorscale Stalker on Carnivorous Cube for 35 damage!
I love combos like that. So fun!