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Gunnolf's Wild Woecleaver Dragon Recruit Warrior

  • Last updated Apr 30, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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  • 8 Minions
  • 19 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Recruit Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 13840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/14/2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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Come in and Warm your Frozen Boots by the Fire!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gunnolf, and I am originally from the Land Down Under a.k.a. Australia. I am an avid gamer that has acquired a real passion for card games, which originated from my humble beginnings as a Yu-Gi-Oh collector and eventually grew from my dabbling in Cardfight Vanguard and Buddyfight, until we reached the game we know as Hearthstone.

I've played Hearthstone since the days of classic, with multiple accounts on both EU and NA servers. Despite having reached the Rank of Legend and my own personal mentality of equating 'having fun' with 'winning', I am not really a fan of meta power-grinding & net-decking, not that there is anything wrong with that. Therefore, I enjoy thinking about new, cool and fun deck ideas that push boundaries while also allowing you to win and those are what I want to share with you guys every-time I post a decklist.

I have presently become a contributing writer to WILDHS and will be posting articles there on a semi-regular basis, regarding deck-archetypes the status of the meta as well as how to get the most fun out of this game even if you aren't a big spender. If any of this sounds interesting, then I highly recommend that you check out of the website, as the writers and the owner himself are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet with great in-game knowledge (link to be website can be found HERE). You can also follow me on Twitter for latest updates.

If you genuinely like my content and would like to see me produce more of it, then please consider supporting me on Patreon. This is by no means necessary but it will definitely help me out in the long run. Thanks for Reading ^^

Deck Introduction

Hey guys, so my release schedule was supposed to be somewhat different but due to requests and popular demand, the remainder of this month will be dedicated to BIG DECKS starting with the Woecleaver warrior. Unfortunately, since the recruit mechanic was just released in Kobolds & Catacombs, Wild cannot offer too much alternative support in terms of how the deck is built. However, there is a wider range of large minions available to recruit from in our favorite format, as well as a decent array of anti-aggro options more prevalent then their current standard counterparts. In terms of big minions, I have chosen to go with the Dragon Package due to board reload potential post Deathwing, Dragonlord. That being said, further secrets of the deck will be divulged below so please do enjoy! ^^

Deck Strategy

If you're a fan of Control Warrior in general and have played more than your fair share of it in the past then you'll be able to transition to Big Warrior very easily. Although, please do keep in mind that going into fatigue is not really viable due to the lack of Justicar Trueheart that really doesn't synergise with the deck all too well.

Now, as tempting as it is to spend all your removal options on dealing with whatever threat has been put into play by your opponent, it can often be of merit to hold some of it in reserve. Be brave and tank some damage, and then proceed to clear the board right before you initiate your swing turns by virtue of Gather Your Party, to name one for example. That being said, be very mindful of how close you are to taking critical damage (Combo decks are still very much a thing afterall), and avoid being too greedy i.e. overextending your life total as a resource.

In slower control-oriented match-ups be extremely wary of putting too many of your minions into play all at once. Having a significant amount of pressure on the board early is your major advantage with Recruit Warrior, but once it's gone it's very hard to get back into a match (even with the Dead Man's Hand reload potential offered by this list).

Card Choices & Deck-Building Explained

In this section, I will explain some of the card choices I opted for and the reasoning as to why they were included over potential counter-parts. 

1) Warpath: This slot was previously occupied by Revenge that was vastly superior to Whirlwind when it comes to dealing with aggro match-ups. But then came along this echo spell that just completely blow other removal out of the water.

2) Unidentified Shield: We need Armor Gain and since this deck cannot run Justicar Trueheart since we do not get the battlecry if we potentially recruit her from our deck, the new card alongside Shield Block is the next best thing for defensive heaving bursts of armor. 

3) Dead Man's Hand: Great for placing large minions back into our deck, ensuring that our recruit mechanics will be viable in the latter stages of the game in case we end up drawing most of our large minions early.

4) The Boomship: Definitely a luxury of a card but the powerspike that it provides is just off the charts. Definitely recommended for the list.

(At the present time, only a few cards have been listed but I will include more if questions pop-up within the comments section regarding substitutions and why other cards were included.)

Mulligan Guide

Aggro: In order to deal with the early onslaught of damage, you will need to fish for your weapons (potentially keep Forge of Souls), Warpath and Sleep with the Fishes assuming of course that you have an enabler for the latter.

Control: You can and should play things a lot slower in this case. Always keep [deck]Forge of Souls[/deck] and be seriously tempted to hold onto Gather Your Party as it will make the transition from the mid to late-game so much smoother.

Big Minion (& Card) Replacement

It is my general opinion that the majority of slots in this list are not all that flexible. However, as with any deck there is always some leeway. In Big Warrior, the leeway mostly revolves around the top-end minions and/or cards. Keeping this in mind, I believe that in the eventuality that you don't own the following cards~ 

~ you can potentially replace them with the following:

As is evidenced by our selection above, when it comes to selecting large minions or potential replacements you want to go for those that have either dragon synergy are relevant due to an effect that isn't a battlecry which of course will be wasted if they are recruited from your deck.

Want to Make it to Legend?

The good news with big warrior is that it is a really fun and somewhat competitive deck to play. However, the bad news is that this new warrior archetype really isn't punching very hard in the current wild meta, and so makes for a tough ladder climb.

That being said though, you can still give it a hearty old try and in the eventuality that you get tired and want to play something more fast paced, please try out the deck that got me to Legend in the K&C meta. It is of course an iteration of the Infamous Pirate Warrior but hey, good news, it is a high tier 2 deck now so no-one can rage at you since you are playing it at a time when it is retro to do so :D.

[LEGEND] Gunnolf's Wild Greenskin Pirate Warrior
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Other Big Decks

As I may have mentioned above, I attend to make a series of Big Decks with at least one for each class. Presently, there are not too many but when I have completed them all, this will serve as their directory for your convenience:

1) Gunnolf's Wild Big Spell Mage

Author's Notes

I enjoy deck-building a multitude of interesting decks that are both entertaining and Legend viable (with some odd Free-to-Play lists mixed in). So if you like this deck (or anyone of my other ones) consider leaving a thumbs up, as it really helps in the long run! :)

Thank you guys for all your support and if you have any suggestions, let me know. 


Check out my other decks!

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