NEW ARCHETYPE Recruit Control Shaman
- Last updated Jan 17, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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- 12 Minions
- 16 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 5660
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/14/2018 (Kobolds Patch)
- Wumbostyle
- Registered User
- 4
- 27
- 20
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Total Deck Rating
Sick of playing and versing the same 5 decks over and over again?
So am I, so I've been messing around with one of the more difficult archetypes, the control shaman, so far hit rank 5 from rank 12 this season but I still feel like this deck can be improved a bit so feel free to provide some card suggestions.
This deck is taking advantage of a seriously undervalued card, Guild Recruiter to pull out some mega value from either Drakkari Defender or Flamewreathed Faceless for some huge swing turns.
We're also taking advantage of the classic Earth Elemental and Ancestral Spirit combo to stall out and take the mid-late game victory.
The jade package is standard in any Shaman control deck but if you don't have Aya Blackpaw you can try replace her for a 2nd Thing from Below
Finally the Lesser Sapphire Spellstone is your shock finisher. You'll be surprised how often you managed to duplicate a triple Earth Elemental with Ancestral Spirit on it into an immediate concede by your opponent.
It's also a great card to cast on a 0 cost Corridor Creeper to pull 20/20 worth of value in one turn.
The deck can be a little tricky to pilot at first and requires a lot of knowledge of what your opponent is likely to be playing, however there are a few basic rules against particular archetypes.
Our favorite opponents are aggro decks, particularly lotus druid and paladin, we have so many tools to deal with them it honestly feels unfair. So if you suspect your versing an aggro deck make sure you mulligan hard for any of your AoE, your Devolve, and Drakkari Defender is also a great card to have in hand.
Against Aggro all your trying to do is clear board and set up enough unbreakable walls until your opponent gives up. Make sure to prioritize clearing board instead of swinging for face, though you'll have to make judgement calls on when to swap to the classic SMORC tactics.
Against control, you really want to have Lesser Sapphire Spellstone in your hand right at the beginning. Otherwise the way to beat control decks is by playing Flamewreathed Faceless by turn 4 or Guild Recruiter by turn 5 so make sure to keep these cards in your mulligan. The basic plan against control is actually to win by turn 7-8 before the opponent can clear our massive health minions.
There really just isn't enough respect for a turn 4 7/7 these days, it's time for people to fear shaman curve once more.
That's your basic run down of how to play and what this deck does, will provide a more detailed mulligan guide if we get enough interest.
Have fun and look after your cows, and remember, cool kids don't play highlander priest.
EDIT: Hey guys here is a video of Kiwiinbacon piloting the deck.
With all the interest this deck has garnered recently I will be putting up a detailed mulligan and match up guide. So look forward to that!!!
This Deck is fun as hell. Well done sir! +1 from me.
Nerf inc :-\
Any ideas for [card]Corridor Creeper[/card]?
Keep it. It's still a free 7 mana evolve target
This deck doesn't run evolve ...
if you like to play Thrall, Deathseer then Corridor Creeper is a great target for that card so what i did is replaced Aya Blackpaw with the DK for them to be great values since i dont have Aya.
2nd Thing annnnnnd... Snowfury Giant. Or 2 giants. The point of the Creeper is a cheap but strong thing to dupe.
Personally I'm going to try Charged Devilsaur. It ignores the battlecry so if you get the first one to survive thats 21 more to the face. If not I'm gonna try Grumble, setting dudes to 1 cost
it is tier 5 as long as you make it tier 5 (:
I just won five in a row with this deck, after a bit of a learning curve. It's a little nuanced, but I'm getting a feel for it now, thanks! I'm experimenting with replacing one of the Far Sight cards with either Bloodlust [/card]or [card]Volcano
Replacement for second Far Sight?
I like Bloodlust as a replacement, because more often than not I have several minions on the board, but many of them have low attack numbers.
"The jade package is standard in any Shaman control deck but if you don't have Aya Blackpaw you can try replace her for a 2nd Thing from Below"
When I played this deck I would often have crazy potential and combos in hand but I would end up dying turns before I could do anything. However, I liked the concept and edited the deck a bit. I removed a x1 Far Sight, x1 Thing from Below, and x2 Corridor Creeper. In place I put in x1 Lesser Sapphire Spellstone, x1 Hallazeal the Ascended, and x2 Crushing Hand. With this revised version I have an excellent win rate. It is fast enough to defeat most control decks with a well used Greater Sapphire Spellstone. As far as aggro goes there is enough removal, taunt, and healing to win a majority of the time. This revised version has turned into my favorite deck at the moment, I feel like I'm playing an OP final boss xD
Edit: I'm playing in rank 5 with this deck and am getting a better winrate than Razakus Priest, Tempo Rogue, and Murloc Paladin
Edit #2: Swapped x1 Lesser Sapphire Spellstone for x1 Volcano
The deck doesn't need one more spellstone imo. There isn't enough room to use it.
I like the hallazeal recommendation, which means I can cut healing rain. I also like the crushing hands, but 2 spellstones is too much ive found as i always get stuck with 2 early or the second is just stuck in hand. I also removed the far sight, as I almost always farsight a low cost spell like portal or ancestral.
So from your recommendation I've added Hallazeal, and 2x crushing hand. And removed 1x farsight, 1x thing from below, 1X Spell.
Definitely interested in making this deck work as both iterations OPs and your additions have been tons of fun.
Glad I could help a bit! And yeah, two spellstones is definitely not necessary. The reason I had put in two was because I would end up dying before I would draw it at all. I've actually recently cut one and replaced it with a copy of Volcano which has been performing pretty well
Tried it. Lost most and won a few through luck. Don't think this is a great deck. Fun though!
Way too slow in current meta. I also met several Inner Fire priests. My last game just now, I played the recruiter, it pulled a Drakkari Defender, my opponent took my DD, applied two Divine Spirits and an Inner Fire and killed me with 32 dmg.
Another time, against an aggro deck, I played Drakkari Defender turn 3, overloaded three, my opponent took him out with spells + board. I had to skip turn, my opponent reloaded during my skip and I was dead the turn after.
There is a reason DD was never played and playing a 2/4 and 2/8 on turn 5 without any way to reinforce these low attack minions, when your opponent starts putting out 4/5 attack and 5/6 health minions won't bring you any closer to a win.
In total I lost ~8 games, won one that could have been won by any generic shaman deck, because I didn't use any of this decks specifics cards for that win. In total, this deck doesn't work.
From 13 to 15 loss non stop. Be careful
Sadly Me too
This deck is actual garbage. Great way to drop from rank 7 to rank 9. Don't waste your time, it stands no chance against other meta decks.