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SR OTK Priest

  • Last updated Jan 10, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 4 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
  • Deck Archetype: OTK Priest
  • Brawl: Shadow Reflection
  • Crafting Cost: 960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/10/2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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Hey everyone!

The main idea behind this deck is to use Radiant Elemental with Power Word: Shield to make an absolutely massive Radiant or Northshire as early at T2. Note that since PW:S only costs 1 mana, having a Radiant down allows you to play PW:S and then all of your Shadow Reflections one after another in a big chain. Doing this draws through your deck and often results in you getting the Inner Fire that you'll eventually need as well. Mind Blast is in here as an alternative win condition in case you don't draw Radiant or Northshire.

You can also pull off something similar just with Northshire down but it can be harder to build it up since it costs mana each time you play PW:S. Note that something neat you can do is copy a whole bunch of Northshires to ensure you get crazy draw off of heals so you can draw combo pieces better. To be honest, Divine Spirit may not even be necessary in this deck but helps if you are unable to draw PW:S. Shadow Visions helps with ensuring you get your PW:S as well.

Under no circumstances should you play PW:S unless you can chain at least 4 or 5 of them or have another one for backup. If you waste it early, you're screwed.

The beauty of this deck is it goes off much faster than any other deck (aside from maybe a huge Van Cleef T1 deck) and it has ways to draw a ton to ensure you get the combo pieces you need. A huge part of piloting this deck is mulliganing properly so try to make sure you get Northshire or Radiant Elemental (PW:S is a great keep as well if you get a minion to play it on in your opening hand).

Why is your version better than other Inner Fire/Cycle/Mind Blast versions?

I will admit that there are a ton of other people playing similar decks to mine, so why bother with my list?

Northshire Cleric: Some lists cut the Northshire Cleric from their decklist. This is a massive mistake. The reason for this is it means you're banking on drawing one of your two Radiants every game. That is very unlikely, and the reason why Northshire needs to be in your deck. Northshire ensures that you have consistent draw when you don't get the dream opening hand. You can wait until T3 or T4 and drop three or four of these and then proceed to heal them for massive card draw. If you manage to draw this T1 with a Radiant and PW:S, you can play it T1 and then follow up with a massive buff turn to burn your opponent as early as T3 (or T2 if you are some wizard who can pull like a madman).

Inner Fire/Divine Spirit: I've seen some people playing a version that relies only on using Mind Blast and Radiant Elemental to close out games. As cool as this setup is, it's unrealistic in a meta where you can die on T3 or T4.

EDIT: I realized that you can OTK as early as T3 with the Mind Blast one if you get lucky enough. However, to even get an OTK off with this you need to draw Radiant Elemental. Relying on one card out of two in the deck to do anything is too RNG based for me.

Mind Blast: Sometimes we get screwed on our draws and don't get either minion. Mind Blast is here to provide a potential way to still snag a win in those setups.

Silence: This card isn't currently included but is something I've been considering for a bit. Inner Fire priest is currently super common and people often just build up a huge minion and leave it on the board. Silence is a way to screw with those people as you can often dig through your deck to get it. I would only recommend one copy though as it can be frustrating drawing this instead of something you could really use.

Let me know how you like it and toss some one ups if you're a fan!