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Iniven's Top 100 Legend Cubelock

  • Last updated Jan 9, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 10640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/9/2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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Got Legend on EU, played a lot of decks and ended with Cubelock for the last ranks, very solid and fun deck. Now it's time for NA and Asia


Mulligan guide:

Against Aggro you want Mortal Coil, Mistress of Mixtures, Hellfire and Defile, if you have at least one of these you can also consider keeping Lesser Amethyst Spellstone.

Against slow decks you want Mountain Giant, Possessed Lackey and Skull of the Man'ari. If you have Mountain Giant you can keep Faceless Manipulator too.

Kobold Librarian is obviously always a keep


Against decks like Priest or Jade Druid you need to close the game fast and it's not that hard, try to play Mountain Giant and make copies of it, making a lot of Doomguards is good too especially when you can resummon them with Gul'dan. Be greedy but not too much, if you have a bad hand play Doomguard without fear, if you don't have Dark Pact don't hold Carnivorous Cube for too long.

Against fast Aggro decks like Paladin, Hunter or Aggro Druid surviving the first 3-4 turns is not that easy. The plan is to clear the board and take few damages preparing the Voidlord turn, keep in mind that you'll probably have to play Possessed Lackey on 5 mana.

Against Aggro/midrange decks like Tempo Rogue and Spiteful Summoner Priest you can be more greedy with board clears since they'll probably start making pressure from turn 3-4, a big minion can be a problem so be sure to have Lesser Amethyst Spellstone or the perfect Defile to get rid of it. 

In the mirror match Mountain Giants are really good and can close the game really fast so don't be afraid to make copies of it and SMOrc. If the game is not ending fast be greedy and generate all the value possible, keep also an eye on the cards on the deck, you don't want to fatigue before the opponent. Remember that you can copy opponent's Carnivorous Cube with Faceless Manipulator and Prince Taldaram but also that he can copy yours. 


I hope this guide helped you, also if you have questions don't be afraid to ask