Wild Big Rogue
- Last updated Jan 2, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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- 14 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 14220
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 1/2/2018 (Kobolds Patch)

- WhatAChamp
- Registered User
- 16
- 39
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As a disclaimer, the original idea for this deck is not my own. I was playing my version of Big Hunter and I came across someone playing Big Rogue. I was intrigued and found a decklist by a guy named Dane (might be a streamer?). I wasn't a fan of a bunch of the cards that he used but the overall idea behind the deck remained.
The game plan of this deck is to cheat out big guys early on and use the momentum to seal a win. Barnes allows us to generate copies from our deck while Kobold Illusionist allows us to generate copies from our hand. Here are some of our target cards:
Big Bois
Silver Vanguard: One of, if not, the best card to get a mini copy of. It can easily be traded into a minion or backstabbed to get one of your 8 mana heavy hitters as early as T4. Staple card and worth running two of. IMO wild has some amazing 8 mana threats including Kel'Thuzad, Sneed's Old Shredder, Ragnaros the Firelord, and The Lich King.
Kel'Thuzad: KT is a fantastic combo card with Illusionist. If you can trade Illusionist and gain KT, the Illusionist will resummon at the end of the turn. This works even better if your opponent spends all their mana killing the Illusionist and has to leave up KT for your turn. If KT is the only minion in your hand, you can do some goofy things like killing the Illusionist again to get two mini-KT's and two more Illusionists or you can kill both the Illusionist and mini-KT to gain a full-size KT next turn with the Illusionist. KT is also amazing with any sort of a board and he can be pulled from Silver Vanguard.
Ragnaros the Firelord: An undeniably huge powerhouse, whether as a tiny version or a big version.
Sneed's Old Shredder: Although it's better as a big minion, getting a 1/1 copy of it works well too since you'll likely get good value out of the DR.
The Lich King: Although he's not terribly fearsome as a 1/1, a few of his cards are downright amazing in this deck, particularly the one that discards five cards and summons whichever minions are drawn.
Crazy Combo Cards
Aside from your Barnes and Kobold Illusionists, there are a few cards that help make absurd combos or enable high tempo plays.
Cheat Death: This card is primarily intended for use with Barnes or Kobold Illusionist, allowing you to replay them for their effects at a cheaper cost (and in combination with say Umbra or Rivendare). If someone decides to pick your token as the target instead, you can get a cheaper version of an 8 cost minion which is also handy.
Mad Scientist: An odd choice that only recently can be used in rogue. The main purpose of this card is to pull out your secrets earlier so they don't clutter up your hand. Since you have no other low cost minions, getting a Cheat Death from this allows you to do a next turn coin + Kobold or something else along those lines. Scientist also allows you to have some early board presence. Play this as soon as possible because it's depressing getting this from Kobold. One point to note is that Cheat Death will not be pulled and then proc on the Scientist so you don't have to worry about wasting your Cheat Death on it.
Spiritsinger Umbra: Absurd combo potential with our cards. I will often try to coin this out after a Mad Scientist pulls or I play Cheat Death. If my opponent doesn't remove it, I can play Barnes or Illusionist the next turn and if they do, I have a 2 cost Umbra to work with. Here is the absurdity that can ensue with this card. If you already have Umbra on the board and you play Barnes, you can get this...
Illusionist --> 1/1 Vanguard --> Sneed's --> random legendary.
Keep in mind that when each of these dies, they get their DR again. It seems really flukey, but I've chained things like this multiple time. Even a Vanguard pull onto a big threat is amazing for this.
Baron Rivendare: This guy is mostly around for fun but can provide some absurd plays as well. Rivendare is very difficult to remove if coined out T3, and you can follow him up with Barnes --> 1/1 Vanguard and Backstab the Vanguard for two biggies. People are often hesitant to kill off your Illusionists as well so you can sometimes follow them up with a Rivendare play. Not as essential as Umbra IMO but still a good card.
Sonya Shadowdancer: A beautiful combo card for reusing minions that we just want the Battlecry or Deathrattle of. Barnes can be a useless body after being played but Sonya allows you to reuse his Battlecry again. She also combos well with all the small tokens we have in this deck anyway since they generally have powerful effects. Again, not an essential card but definitely cool.
Counterfeit Coin: Allows for earlier plays of big cards. Running one has seemed to work so far but I may test two as well.
Survival Arsenal
My main issue with Big Hunter was living long enough to pull something off. Thankfully, big T4 plays in this deck mean we don't need to worry about survivability as much. However, let's say you don't draw your Barnes or Illusionists before T4. That's where these cards come in.
Backstab + Eviscerate: Both are tempo-efficient removal. However, you may also want to use them on your own minions at times to proc their deathrattles if no enemy minions are on board to trade with or you're worried about Potion of Madness.
Sap and Vanish: Both are good stalling tools. Vanish you should rarely play once you have a board, but it helps delay against aggro opponents, particularly in combination with Preparation. Sap is a nice counter to many of Cubelock's minions and buffed up paladin tokens.
Fan of Knives: Mostly here to help out with the new scourge of paladins with their divine shields. Against other classes it's a decent card for picking off some minions with Dagger while still getting a card draw.
Preparation: Not 100% sold on its inclusion but it allows you to Vanish earlier or Vanish and then play a minion down.
Sudden Betrayal: Another anti-aggro tech. I would probably not include it except for the fact that I'm already running two Mad Scientists and need a bit more consistency for them to make sense.
Always keep: Mad Scientist, Barnes and Kobold Illusionist.
If you're certain you're against aggro, it's not a bad idea to keep Backstab or Fan of Knives.
If you have Barnes or Illusionist but no Scientist, Cheat Death isn't a terrible keep either against control decks.
If anyone is still interested in this deck after Witchwood was released, I subbed out Sneed's Old Shredder for Deranged Doctor and Baron Rivendare for one Gang Up.
I don't have Sneed's for a direct comparison, but a heal 8 (repeatable via all the methods described above) gives this deck a little more sustain than it otherwise would have. With the Baron I rarely found myself able to use it, but I did frequently have Silver Vanguard deathrattles go off only to realize no 8 drops remained in my deck. It's possible that I've overlooked the resources my opponents spent killing a 1/7 minion on turn 4 (they really go all out), but I like that Gang Up lets me adjust based on the match.
Thank u for the guide! I saw that deck on Dane's youtube channel week ago and gonna try soon to pilot it :)
But i don't have Rag and Sonya.. Any replacement for them?
There's two ways you can go about the replacement. You can either replace Rag with another 8 drop (Violet Wurm or Chromaggus are two potentials that come to mind), or you can drop one of the Silver Vanguards since having two for three 8-drops doesn't make sense and go instead with perhaps Sylvanas Windrunner and Anub'arak for their strong deathrattles. If you're missing those legendaries too, I would suggest more removal or Counterfeit Coin to get up to the higher cost minions faster. Zola the Gorgon is another cool substitution because it lets you get your 1/1's as regular sized minions for your hand.
It's almost exactly the same as Dane's version (yeah, he is a streamer), but still an interesting deck. Gotta gather some dust.
True. I did mention this at the beginning of my decklist. I decided to publish the list though because I made a few swaps that I didn't see in his other list (KT, Fan, Coin, second Vanish) and the other version of his deck on this website didn't have any explanations with it. If you're looking to save dust, Sonya and Rivendare aren't necessarily essential to the deck's gameplan.
I think I saw only one version of this Dane's deck on this website but yeah, it was just a decklist, without any gameplan or anything. And what would be could substitution for those 2 legendarys? I rarely watch streams and on YouTube there isn't that much of this deck.
I would probably throw in another Coin for mana cheating or perhaps removal (Shadowstrike/Backstab) and another threat to compensate for losing out on the 1/1's. I've been toying around with Anub'Arak as a source of constant pressure, but the guy I initially played against ran Chromaggus who can get pulled by Vanguard.
Yeah, there are many possibilities to add to this deck. I have only to gather at least 13k dust which will take.. a while, but it seems fun, I'm having fun on NA server already, with my C'Thun Yogg Marin Priest, but want to play more Rogue on EU. Thanks.
I added 2x Mistress of Mixture to my list and I replaced sudden betrayal (which is terrible imo and easy to play around). It gives you a better survival tool for early game.
Interesting! I like the choice of adding Mistress in. I don't know if I would replace both of Sudden Betrayal as they're there for Mad Scientist synergy in case you draw a Cheat Death or two and can help against some decks, but you could definitely lose one for a Mistress and maybe toss out another card elsewhere. My only concern about Mistress is it can accidentally trigger a Cheat Death from a Mad Scientist if you're not careful. Also, it's a real bummer getting it off of Barnes or Illusionist if it's stuck in your hand. Let me know how the change has been for you!
Fun deck if you want to learn more watch some Dane videos. He is just so good with wild rogue decks.
This deck is hilarious when it works.
EDIT: Which is almost never. 6-20 so far and every game plays out pretty much the same. There's no board presence and unless you draw cards in a specific order you just lose. The secrets rarely do anything productive and there's no way to swing the board with Vanish (even prepped). It is fun when it works though.
True. The first time I got a huge Umbra chain against my buddy I actually laughed out loud.
Max Rank 20. There is no "fun" in losing games!
How many games have you tried playing with the deck? Technically it’s a meme deck but I’ve won far more games than I’ve lost with it, including two against cubelock, one against midrange hunter and one against the fast secret burn mage. I started the season at rank 20 and am on a win streak at rank 17 already so technically your comment is false. If you have had unlucky draws, I would encourage you to try playing it some more as that’s how I felt about big priest the first few games where I couldn’t draw Barnes. If you haven’t bothered to play it, then please play it before making remarks like this. I don’t advertise it as a ladder climbing deck, more as a fun deck, so take that as you will.
R20 or R17 is the same.
Im every month R5 and from time to time legend. Today I'm stuck in Rank 15 and this deck is useless.
edit: So noobs has ratings my decks with "-", because I wrote this comments. Now privat decks, not more publics for the R20 noobs.
There's videos of Dane playing this deck up to rank 5 so it's clearly not a deck problem. Assuming I'm a R20 noob because you don't like my deck is very childish. I've hit rank 5 plenty of times, and have always done so with my own homebrew which is much harder than picking a T1 deck and playing it there. Are any of my decks better than the T1 decks? Of course not, or else they would be the T1 decks. But they are definitely more fun while still being able to pull off wins if you know how to play them. I'm sorry the deck hasn't been working for you, but that doesn't mean you need to be rude about it on the decklist. I'm trying to help promote unorthodox decks so that there is diversity in people's games instead of just priest, paladin and warlock over and over.
So what if you're rank 5? You clearly play Aggro decks if not you would know how to pilot this deck properly. I myself have achieved success with this deck, managing to hit rank 15 in an hour, at the start of the season too with all the tryhard aggro player swarming around with netdecked aggro paladin. If you play every deck with the intention to reach high ranks, you clearly do not understand the point of Hearthstone in the first place.
Great deck and thanks 4 the explanation!