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[F2P] Handbuff

  • Last updated Dec 15, 2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Handbuff Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 1640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/16/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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Please leave suggestions or criticisms in the comments and I'll try to respond to them! Strategy and Mulligan guides are WIP!

Card Explanation:

  • Fire Fly: Best neutral 1-drop in the game for decks like this. It gives us extra value because we can play it before buffs and instead buff the elemental added to our hand. This is especially relevant where we can play this turn one and play Grimestreet Outfitter on the next turn.
  • Righteous Protector: Very strong against aggressive decks even in the late game due to its Divine Shield. Becomes even stronger when buffed in hand or with Blessing of Kings.
  • Smuggler's Run and Grimestreet Outfitter: Both of these cards are very strong early or late-game handbuffs. Try to play this when you can get the maximum value out of it, meaning don't play it unless you have good targets in your hand.
  • Drygulch Jailor: Drygulch Jailor provides exceptional value by giving us lots of targets for our handbuffs! The Silver Hand Recruits that it generates are underwhelming at first but can easily be pumped up to 4/4s or 6/6s with time.
  • Acolyte of Pain: Our only card-draw, which has been more than enough in every game I've played with this deck. Try to maximize its value by placing it onto a board where it will take multiple hits of damage before dying. The more handbuffs it gets, the more cards you're likely to draw with it.
  • Stonehill Defender: Very good value and sturdy early-game defense against aggressive decks. With a single handbuff this becomes a lot more threatening and gives us cards back in our hand for more buff targets. 
  • Chillblade Champion: One of the strongest Charge minions available, Champion can take down big threats while healing your hero at the same time. The Lifesteal is also increased by handbuffs, so save this to play when it will get the most value before it dies.
  • Saronite Chain Gang and Doppelgangster: Easily the strongest single cards in the deck lategame. Chain Gang is strong in the early game with only a single buff, but Doppelgangster will typically get caught up in AoE or have very low impact until several buffs have been applied to it. 4/4 and up Doppelgangsters are incredibly powerful.
  • Grimestreet Enforcer: This card is best played when we have a large hand of buff targets as it will typically die soon after it hits the board. Buffing this with Blessing of Kings or one of our other handbuffs can potentially increase its survivability and value. Play this card wisely and you will be rewarded!
  • Argent Commander: Much like Chillblade Champion, Argent Commander can remove enemy threats easily after it has been buffed in our hand. It also has Divine Shield, meaning it will not die the first time it removes something.
  • Bonemare: This card can turn our big threats into even bigger threats that also protect the rest of our board. Much like Blessing of Kings and our Chargers, it can enable trading with enemy threats or set up lethal.

