The Ceaseless ExpanseCosts (1) less for each time
If you play this for its full Mana cost, you know what? You win. Good day sir! |
Dwarf PlanetFill your board
Hey, who let Magni Bronzebeard, who we all know is famous for his Magni Touch, land on this planet!? |
Wakener of SoulsTaunt, Reborn
The alarm again!? Wake me up in 5 more eternities. |
NebulaDiscover two 8-Cost
Do-re-mi-fa-so-ne-bu-la! |
Black HoleDestroy all minions except Demons.
That's right! The square goes in the black hole. |
QuasarShuffle your hand into your deck.
No one is going to believe that quasars are a real thing, Durg'tash the Sorcerer. |
SupernovaFill your hand with random Fire spells. They cost (1).
People who enjoy the heat will say this looks like perfect weather. |
Red GiantCosts (1) less for each adjacent card played while in hand.
Lots of cards get played around it, but it's the real star. |
Splitting SpacerockDeathrattle: Summon two 4/4 Splitting Boulders.
Space rock. *pew* Spa ce ro ck. *pew* S p a c e r o c k . |
Star GrazerElusive, Taunt
Star gazing and star grazing aren't too different. Except for the part where you eat stars. |
The 8 Hands From BeyondBattlecry: Destroy both players' decks EXCEPT
It was a one-eyed, eight-handed, giant purple planet eater. |
Final FrontierDiscover a 10-Cost minion from the past. Set its Cost to (1).
. * | . . * . . -O- . . . . * | . * | o . * . o . . -O- . . o * . . | * . . . . . . |
ArchimondeBattlecry: Summon every
Archimonde joined Sargeras in search of power, and in doing so became one of the strongest forces within the Burning Legion who laid waste to countless planets… but in the end he still lost to a wisp. |
Arkwing PilotAt the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to a random enemy. Spellburst: Summon an Arkwing Pilot.
Delivered in under 30 minutes, or your Arkwings are free! |
CosmonautBattlecry: Discover a spell from your deck. Reduce its Cost by (5).
It might look like they're underwater, but they're cosmo-not! |
Eredar BruteTaunt, Lifesteal
After a while, the glowing purple stress ball became ineffective at containing his rage. |
Galactic CrusaderTaunt
The will was very specific that in the event of the Crusader's death, you were to inherit these random spells. Very odd. |
Kil'jaedenBattlecry: Replace your deck
With complete control of the Burning Legion's forces, Kil'jaeden will stop at nothing until all of the traitorous Draenei have been squelched. *right clicks the enemy hero* |
The ExodarBattlecry: If you're building a Starship, launch it and choose a Protocol!
Limitless potential! Boundless hope! Fourth rate space insurance. |
Velen, Leader of the ExiledTaunt. Deathrattle: Trigger the
For an exiled dude, he's pretty popular! |
Airlock BreachSummon a 5/5 Undead
Open the pod bay doors, Maladaar. |
Bad OmenIn 2 turns, summon two
Bad OmenIn 2 turns, summon two 6/6 Demons with Taunt.
What good is a sign from alien life if I CAN'T EVEN READ IT?! |
Celestial AuraWhile you have exactly 1 minion in play, its Attack and Health are 10. Lasts @ turns.
Horse girls rise up! |
Libram of FaithSummon three
They used to do leaps of faith until Maraad fell into the void. |
Meteor StormDeal 5 damage
"Sir, the possibility of successfully drawing all of your Asteroids in a row are approximately 3,720:1!" "Never tell me the odds!" |
Exarch MaladaarBattlecry: The next card you play this turn costs Corpses instead of Mana.
The Auchenai order was founded to preserve the memory of Draenei that have passed. But why stop at remembrance when they can live once more? |
Felborne OverfiendTaunt
Lightfused ManasaberRush
Oh no, I ran out of fused Mana! |
"What's a world soul?" "Only the most sophisticated form of life ever protected by Titans. AND it's spherical! SPHERICAL!" |
MurmurYour Battlecry minions
What? |
SaruunBattlecry: Give all
Shield of AskaraTaunt
One can never have too many shields. |
Spore Empress MoldaraStart of Game: Shuffle 7 Replicating Spores into your deck.
Sorry for not explaining the Spores in the textbox. We just didn't have that mushroom. |
Xor'toth, Breaker of StarsBattlecry: Add two Stars
We started his stats at 50,000,000,000/50,000,000,000 to be lore-accurate, but it was just a nudge too powerful. |
The Galaxy's LensSpellburst: Absorb the spell's power!@Cast {0}.
Alien EncountersSummon two 2/5 Beasts with Taunt. Costs
Close encounters of the cuddly kind. |
Cosmic PhenomenonSummon three 2/3
Which one you ask? Uhh, all of them. |
Launch StarshipLaunch your Starship.
Replicating SporeSummon a random 5-Cost minion. Your future Replicating Spores summon it as well.
Solar FlareDeal 2 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each Elemental you control.
Saruun is quite the dancer. Their pirouette is deadly. |
Starship Launch ButtonSummon your Starship.
Exarch AkamaAfter this attacks,
Akama fiercely led the Vindicators in the Draenei's quest to find a new home. If only he knew what would await him on the planet of Draenor… |
Exarch HataaruBattlecry: Discover a spell and reduce its Cost by (1).
Severely outmatched by the Burning Legion, the Draenei had no hopes of survival… That changed with the invention of arkonite crystals, giving Hataaru and his Artificers new ways to empower their people. |
Farseer NobundoDeathrattle: Open the
"Someone help me! I'm stuck in a net!" |
Hostile InvaderBattlecry, Spellburst, and Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to all other minions.
"And my Axe!" "And my Axe!" "And my Axe!" |
Ingenious Artificer Battlecry: The next Draenei
He always brags that he's at the top of the bell curve. |
Lunar TrailblazerBattlecry: Set the Cost of a
Changing legend into fact, she will ride into history. |
Mutating LifeformAfter this survives
Who knows how many amazing discoveries are out there! ... Never mind, I'm going home. |
Star VulperaTradeable
He was a star before he even flew his first ship. |
Starscale ConstellarSpellburst: Double this minion's Attack.
You'll understand how to best make use of its effect once you connect the dots. |
The Gravitational DisplacerStarship Piece
You ever wonder why some planets have two moons? |
Uluu, the EverdrifterEach turn this is in your
Uluu is such a tryhard, he's carrying an entire planet! |
Unfortunate SoulTaunt
Captain's LogDraw 2 cards.
Akama loves a nice comfy log to captain on. |
Distress SignalSummon two random
Libram of DivinityGive a minion +3/+3. If this costs (0), return this to your hand
The sacred texts!! |
Pocket DimensionDiscover a spell.
On average, this gets you around 3 cards. And none of them have Overload. |
SuffocateDestroy a minion. If you're building a Starship, also destroy a random neighbor.
He's already floating in the void of space. The shadow magic seems like overkill, idk. |
Ace WayfinderBattlecry: Gain two
She's the ace of space. |
Admin CrewmateReborn
Arkonite Defense CrystalTaunt
I was just asking if that's what you wanted your Starship to look like, there's no need to get defensive. |
AskaraBattlecry: The next Draenei you play summons a copy of itself.
That's Askara card! |
Bolide BehemothBattlecry: Your Asteroids deal
There's only so many words that exist for rocks in space. |
Dirdra, Rebel CaptainRush. Battlecry: Shuffle all
Under Velen's command, the Draenei avoid engaging with the enemy in fear of eradication. Under Dirdra's command, the Voronei fight the Legion head on in hopes of eradication. |
DoommaidenBattlecry: Draw a card from
You merely adopted the doom. I was maiden it. |
Engine CrewmateDivine Shield
Exarch OthaarBattlecry: If you're building
The temptation of limitless knowledge led some Eredar to join the Burning Legion. In the Sha’tari Draenei, the study of everything lives on. |
Gunner CrewmateRush
Helm CrewmateWindfury
Interstellar WayfarerDivine Shield
This card is way fairer than most. |
Medical CrewmateLifesteal
Mystified To'chaBattlecry: If the combined
We hired your elementary school math teacher to make this card. |
Recon CrewmateElusive
Research CrewmatePoisonous
Splitting BoulderDeathrattle: Summon two 2/2 Splitting Stones.
Stalwart AvengerImmune while attacking.
A good defense is a good offense which is a good defense which is a good offense which is a good defense which is a good offense which is a good defense which is a good offense which is a good defense which is a good offense which is a good defense which is a good offense which is a good defense which is a good offense which is a good defense which is a good offense! |
Tactical CrewmateTaunt
TalgathUndamaged enemy minions
Talgath betrayed his people by accepting Sargeras's promise of power. Talgath also saw Velen's refusal of that same power as a betrayal. I'm not convinced Talgath knows what that word means. |
Unyielding VindicatorBattlecry: The next Draenei you play gives your hero its Attack for that turn.
Strike and smash, until it is done. |
Yrel, Beacon of HopeRush
Yrel has a lot of overdue library books. |
Interstellar StarslicerBattlecry and Deathrattle: Reduce the Cost of your Librams by (1)
The universe is infinite. Ever-expanding, its sheer size is something that even the ancestors of our ancestors can only dream of knowing. And even still, across every single pocket of the galaxy, every one thing is unique. So, no, we've never made the same flavor-text twice, IDK what you're talking about. |
Parallax CannonHas +2 Attack if you've
Math is now cannon in the Warcraft universe. |
Assimilating BlightDiscover a 3-Cost Deathrattle minion. Summon it with Reborn.
Resistance is futile. |
Barrel RollDeal 5 damage to an
"We're not even close to Draenor, just do the trick! It'll be fiiiine!" |
Infernal StratagemGive a minion +3/+3.
Archimonde INSISTS on calling it a stratagem instead of a strategy because it "sounds cooler." |
InfiltrateChoose a minion.
Everybody get out of here! Except you. You can stay. |
Libram of ClarityDraw 2 minions.
Ah, I get it! I should play this for 0 Mana. |
Pressure PointsDeal 3 damage to a minion. Reduce the Cost of Combo cards in your hand by (1).
Have you ever heard of the 5 Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique? |
Warp DriveDraw 2 cards. If you're building a Starship, they cost (2) less.
AnchoriteWhenever another minion is Overhealed, give it that much extra Health.
A Priest is nothing without their anchor. Wait, what? |
BlasteroidBattlecry: Shuffle 5 random Fire spells into your deck. They cost (2) less.
To infinity and... even further! |
Blazing AccretionBattlecry: Destroy the top 3 cards of your deck. Any Fire spells or Elementals are drawn instead.
Much like the Draenei, this Elemental just wants a place to call home. Unlike the Draenei, it incinerates everything it touches. |
Crimson CommanderBattlecry and Deathrattle: Give all Draenei in your
"Wait… why do I have a Deathrattle?" |
Deep Space CuratorSpellburst: Get a random minion of the spell's Cost. Set its Cost to (0).
*Gestures to empty room* "...and here is my curated collection of space." |
Escape PodRush
You can only have two in your deck because we are <i>confident</i> that the Draenei will never run into any dire situations that would warrant any more! |
Ethereal OracleSpell Damage +1
I see 2 spells in my future. |
Exarch NaielleBattlecry: Replace your
The Great Dark Beyond is vast, with each world containing unknown wonders and horrors alike. To distinguish between the two, Naielle leads the Rangari in surveying all planets the Draenei set foot on. |
Expedition Sergeant Battlecry: The next Draenei
Expialidocious Sergeant didn't quite fit. |