Wow, this card is exactly what warrior needed. The class really had a need for wide removal like this, it doesn't have enough yet. The class really struggled controlling the board before this was released. Maybe next expansion they'll finally buff brawl to just destroy anything, so that warrior can finally become a good class.
Puh im so happy warrior got a new removal card. The Class is so low on removel it is a good idear to add another bordclear to the Class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, this card is exactly what warrior needed. The class really had a need for wide removal like this, it doesn't have enough yet. The class really struggled controlling the board before this was released. Maybe next expansion they'll finally buff brawl to just destroy anything, so that warrior can finally become a good class.
So execute was already a good removal card but now you can execute on the entire board for just 2 more mana.... okay..
Puh im so happy warrior got a new removal card. The Class is so low on removel it is a good idear to add another bordclear to the Class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't believe there wasn't a card like this before
king mosh