Reflecto Engineer
Battlecry: Swap the Attack and Health of all minions in both players' hands.
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The whole thing's based on the Rubber-Glue Phenomenon.
Battlecry: Swap the Attack and Health of all minions in both players' hands.
The whole thing's based on the Rubber-Glue Phenomenon.
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This card hurt itself in confusion!
Deck of Chaos into this for some shenanigans.
7/3 Knuckles. Oh, yeah.
How the hell is this not an epic card?
I agree! It's a great buildaround card but I've admittedly not looked at viable decks that could run this.
It boosts the top end of certain finishers. Grommash Hellscream, Bronze Gatekeeper + Glow-Tron, and Tundra Rhino, to name a couple. It can also be used to break eggs the moment you play them. I'd think this would work really well if you have the effect of Snowfall Graveyard active.
I noticed that the card may be more effective for disrupting the opponent. It can really hard counter certain cards. Doomsayer, Leeroy Jenkins, and Efficient Octo-bot (can't trigger the frenzy with 1 hp), to name just a few. It can make high attack aggressive minions hit like noodles and make tanky minions like the 4/12 dragons easily removable.
What happens to 0 attack cards in hand when you play this. They just dies when they played? Weird.
so if you use this with eggs in your hand then they all just automatically trigger the deathrattle?
I wonder if that would be good. Usually, you want to try to get more than 1 deathrattle out of an egg (or some other shenanigans).
This might be one of the most under rated cards of the expansion. Just wait.'s gonna do something. Will it help you? Who knows!
The fact that it's only both players hands is going to limit its usefulness anyways.