Fist of Jaraxxus
When you play or discard this, deal 4 damage to a random enemy.
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* Not actually Jaraxxus' fist.
Card Sounds
When you play or discard this, deal 4 damage to a random enemy.
* Not actually Jaraxxus' fist.
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This card should have been "When you discard a card, discard this card instead" OR allow targeting when played manually.
As it is its just too inconsistent. When you discard something else instead of this card, and you end up having to play this manually, AND it hits the wrong target, that just feels bad.
Even with Blizzard pushing the DiscardLock archetype to the point it has actually become viable in ONIK, this card is still not played in those decks.
Although, it seems Blizzard has learnt from this, that they cannot print cards that have too much of a tempo loss when played alone without its synergy/combo cards. Comparing the 2, Fist of Jaraxxus incurs a 2mp tempo loss (comparing with Flamecannon) when played manually, while Silverware Golem only incurs a 0.5mp tempo loss when played from hand.
So will there be a foot of jaraxxus and head of jaraxxus which will form to make exodia...I mean Jaraxxus for instant win?
Yeah, in WoG expansion. It's called Jaraxxus, the Forbidden. Corrupted version of Jarax like Hogger.
Laugh all you want. With the new Adventure One Night in Karazhan Discard Zoolock has become vI able and even very good and this card is very good in it.
Terrible card. Flamecannon deals 4 damage to a random enemy minion (usually more useful than a random enemy) for 2 mana. Deadly Shot destroys a random enemy minion for 3 mana. Having this work on discard is a tiny benefit which doesn't justify the 4 mana cost.
The 4 mana cost is supposed to be a drawback, I don't think this card is supposed to actually be paid for in mana except in dire situations.
Fist of Jaraxxus? I prefer Face of Jaraxxus SMOrc
if you get Tracking thanks to Lorewalker Cho and managed to get this card in the choices of 3. Discarding it will NOT trigger the effect. Sadly
Yes. cuz as u know its not a discard. its just dead card.
It's not discard,it's like Milling it
Just do me a favor and read the card text. It clearly states "draw one and discard the others".
I was just pointing out another inconsistency.
Discard is mechanic where you take a card from your hand and it disapears
Tracking just uses word discard to tell you that these cards are not in DECK anymore
You can't discard from deck
Fist of Jaraxxus : need some training to use it correctly or it will hurt.
A ton of these new golden cards look amazing. Wish they would just release them already,
The card art reminds me of Archimonde more than Jaraxxus >.>
it is supposed to be Archimonde. Read the Flavor text
Like trump said and others, the card would be really really cool if the text said "when discarding a card, this is discarded first" and it would see play and CREATE A NEW DECK. Wouldn't be overpowered. But of course they didn't so you will never ever see this card played, nor literally the other half of the new warlock cards lol
This card makes me cry for one, simple reason: it sucks ass, and all it needed was just a little, logical buff.
The card needed to say: WHenever you discard a card, DISCARD THIS ONE instead.
I don't know why they didn't. This seems like a completely natural fit for the card and could have made some discard decks much more interesting.
But no. It sucks ass and a "cool new mechanic" won't see any play.
Trump plz
Just another case of commissioning a lot of art for a CCG/TCG before you ever know what the final card is going to be. This likely is either just some anonymous Eredar or perhaps even Archimonde or Prince Melechezzar when the artist penned it, but Jaraxxus is specifically of the red variety of his species.
Whatever, the card is interesting but I'm not sure if it feels a little awkward in Zoo as you're really only potentially discarding with Doomguard and some variants Soulburn, and the "random" enemy is a little sketch when you almost always want to be going face. Demonlock is even less likely a home as I think Doomguard is often the only discard there and one of the goals of Demonlock is to DG/Mal'Ganis with Voidcaller which avoids the discard anyway. A 4 mana flamecannon that can hit face is not the exciting if it isn't just being cast for value off discard.
If it were a more consistent effect maybe cards like Succubus would become more playable, but I'm a bit skeptical right now.