
The next spell you cast this turn costs (2) less.
Texte d’ambiance
"Be Prepared" - Rogue Motto
The next spell you cast this turn costs (2) less.
"Be Prepared" - Rogue Motto
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Thus, rich players who pay and have gold cards can use preparation to reduce the cost of the next spell by 3 mana.
hearthstone is offcialy pay2win
nerfing this card to "your next spell cost 2 less", isn't good enough. this card should be nerfed to 1 mana, "your next spell cost 3 less"
While we at it, why not: "gain one mana crystal this turn only".
are you a wizard?
Best. Card. Ever.
This card needs chemotherapy
Okay it's time to nerf this card now that The Caverns Below exists.
This is my favorite card in the whole game, love it!
Love to combo it with Gadgetzan Auctioneer or Edwin VanCleef
For all of you hearthstone nerds out there who are visiting this page just to check out the comments; give me 30 seconds of your time so I can explain why this card is broken in constructed. Enjoy my rant. In these calculations I'm going to ignore uses of thaurussan because he changes the game in many ways.
Preparation - your next spell this turn costs 3 less. Costs 0 mana. Let us use this in the ideal situation of maly-rogue. You have malygos, 1 sinister strike, 2 evisarates, and 2 preps. In one turn you go from no board to using all 6 of those cards to OTK your opponent for 26 damage in one turn. Your opponent cannot prepare for this combo in any way other than Druid armor, Mage armor, or warrior armor, 2 of those 3 are difficult to obtain anyway. You have now destroyed your opponent and won the game simply because of preparation.
As I'm sure many of you are aware, Blizzard nerfed force of nature in the WotOG update, to stop people from doing the 2 card 14 damage combo and also the 4 card 22 damage combo. What they completely ignored is maly-rogue. You can stop the Druid combo by using taunts and by keeping threats on the board they have to remove instead of going face, you CAN NOT stop the rogue combo. For 6 cards you get a non-stoppable (now that loatheb is removed) 10 mana combo.
Now that I've ranted about scenarios; let's look at the card itself and compare it to other cards.
Preparation / Innervate - Innervate gives 2 mana this turn, prep gives 3 to only spells, the thing is that rogues don't require any large minions other than malygos, so this might as well be a 3 mana Innervate for all rogues care. Innervate is a basic card BUT any rogue deck that uses spells has prep in it too, so what's the point of a card that is good in all decks?
Preparation / Dr. Boom - I'm not actually comparing the stats of the cards or anything like that, but in my last paragraph I mentioned how having a card you automatically put in every deck is stupid. That's what I'm comparing here, preparation goes in every rogue deck with spells, and most rogue decks have sprint anyway. Dr boom is like this because blizzard removed him intentionally because he was an auto pick in every kind of deck! Aggro, tempo, control, anything! That's why dr boom was removed, he fit too many decks, and that's why preparation is bad, it's an auto pick for all rogue decks.
TWhat it should look like: Preparation- 3 mana. Your next spell costs 3 less.
Theres a reason it should be like this, and we can compare this new preparation to far sight, the shaman epic card.
Far sight goes like this: 3 mana. Draw a card, that card costs 3 less. The reason that this card isn't great is because you have to draw a card, you could get a death wing for 7 mana, or a wisp for 0. Preparation is better this way because it's more balanced, you could play prep turn 3 and then play sprint turn 4 if you really needed cards, this is way more balanced because it leads to not as much combos but still the desired effect of free spells. An alternative is it costs 2 mana to prep instead of 3.
if you read this far thank you, it took me a long time to turn my hate for this card into words. Have a nice day
It's not so easy to build such a combo with Malygos. It's not so easy to get all the right cards in your hand. After all the nerfs the rogue got, it became really difficult to play this class, so another nerf would be completely unjustified.
Preparaton is a strong card, but it´s not broken, if Malygos Rogue was op it would see alot more play in standard, nobody cares about wild.
I understand that the combo is difficult, but being able to deal 26 damage with 10 mana, even if it is 5 cards, is just broken. Blizzard nerfed Druid so now they can't deal 14 with 9 mana and 2 cards. But they're ignoring the part where this happens.
"Make sure to The Coin + Preparation + Sprint and not Preparation + The Coin + Concede." - Lorewalker Cho
Learned the hard way
My favorite combo with this card is Preparation + The Coin + Concede