Shattered Sun Cleric

Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +1/+1.
Texto temático
They always have a spare flask of Sunwell Energy Drink™!
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +1/+1.
They always have a spare flask of Sunwell Energy Drink™!
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I didnt know she was lady liadrin lol
From a common cleric up to WoWgrind Lady :D
I hope she'd come back to darkness
Eyebrows on fleek
The Blood Elf on picture is Lady Liadrin, and i really want her as a legendary card.
Similiar to this
Since both cards have same character, i guess it won't happen. But Mogor the Ogre and Ogre Magi might have same character, so i won't lose my faith in her :p
The effect on your fan card is fairly underwhelming. Would be alright as a bonus on decent vanilla-standard stats, but most Secret's are designed to function on their turn anyway. Noble Sacrifice, for example, would gain nothing from it. Would help Redemption allow good trades but Paladin can do that anyway by granting Divine Shield. Only really makes Avenge more appealing, which is far too specific for a weak Legendary.
Never say never, as it turns out :)
Lady Liadrin
golden animation i like
There was a day when this creature was great when it was a 3/3 prior to its nerf, because you could play it without buffing a guy for a minimal loss in value. But a 3 mana 3/2 without a board presence is terrible, and doesn't stand up to the numerous 3/4's in the game now. It also dies to 1-drops, such as Zombie Chow or Undertaker.
What usually happens in a typical game of hearthstone is that your 2-drop doesn't stick to the board very often, which means the Shattered Sun Cleric has nothing to buff. This scenario happens so often, it's just not worth running in your deck anymore.
best. card. ever.