Choose One - Give your other minions +2/+2; or Summon two 2/2 Treants with Taunt.
Yes, he's a demigod. No, he doesn't need to wear a shirt.
Card Sounds
Choose One - Give your other minions +2/+2; or Summon two 2/2 Treants with Taunt.
Yes, he's a demigod. No, he doesn't need to wear a shirt.
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Now with Ossirian Tear this is an auto-include in every Druid quest deck.
Worst golden animation... that rainbow is just ridiculous.
I opened him. I don't play Druid. Having read all those Richard A. Knaak novels, I just cannot dust him.
Really like this card. It's a shame that in this meta Cenarius is quite underpowered.
I got him some weeks ago from a pack and yesterday golden. No idea what I am going to do with him hahah
who is better in ramp druid, this or Malorne?
I just opened him from this last tavern brawl. I always loved druid as a class, so I am just here to ask you guys for any cool-deck. I dont have some really important cards like Fandral (i know, its sad), but if any one has at least 40%fan made deck i will just craft it (I am not interested on ladder, but i dont really want to lose every single time you know..).
hope at least someone reads my comment =) jaja
Lol, i got him from that tavern brawl as well!
Although I don't like druid very much (so I can't help you with making a deck) and I'll only keep him until I'll need 400 dust for something fun (maybe Finja or White Eyes?)
He was my very first legendary <3
Ehehey. Found a gap in my shedule to make a review. Today we'll try to breakdown Cenarius, the Demigod of Nature(or whoever he is in WOW Lore). That legendary used to be pretty common in very old HS days, but then it got to unplayable degree, so people has stopped used it since then. It was rarely seen in some zoo-typed Druid decks, token druids. But not so often. After WOG we've seen Fandral Staghelm, so this card was used a lot more in token decks. Now it's gone for the sake of Yogg-Saron, Hope's End.
Let's take a closer look on card itself. Hist stats are pretty poor. 5/8 is 6.5 worth of mana, so his effect costs 2.5 mana. And what that effect gives us? The first variation casts a worse Feral Spirit (worse in terms of stats, not mana). So it is a weird Sludge Belcher variation, that blocks 2 attacks(or baits spells to remove woodies), and leaves a big minion on board. Is that good? Particularly, not. It's not enough to stop your opponent from hitting you. Yes, it blocks 4 damage, but aggro-deck usually have burst to get rid of Treants and not even consume a valuabe creature to pass it, as it will be killed with little stuff. Control deck may be kind of stopped, as it has bigger minions. it can be used to stop something really big to have more time to find an answer to it, or try to kill it with woods and Cenny by himself.
His another effect is more interesting, as it basically casts Wisps of the Old Gods in Big Wisps option, or Everyfin is Awesome. I remind you that this effect costs 7 mana, but with Cenarius it costs 2.5 mana. Pretty powerful, huh? So the best use of it is playing it in token decks that has cards like said Wisps of the Old Gods in Many Wisps form, Onyxia, Violet Teacher and other token-druid-stuff. So we spam minions as many as we can, then we drop Cenny and buff it up. In such decks Cenaruis is pretty powerful, but slow. Instead of him we see Power of the Wild, as it triggers Violet Teacher one more time before buffing, and also costs less. But why not to use both of these cards? Heh.
As i said, after WOG a new druid nightmare appeared, Fandral Staghelm. That card buffed token druids(whatever,, all druids with at least 2 Choose One cards), so Cenarius was used in combo with it. With Fandral on board, Cenny summons 2x 4/4 Treants with taunt, and then buffs the entire board by +2/+2. Beastly. But it requires Fanny to survive one turn, or keep 2x Innervates to play such combo. It is used in some ramp-Astral Communion
At decks the moment Cennarius is not in particular use, because of "fair, cool and skillful" Yogg-Saron, Hope's End. That maggot can dra you cards, clear everything, cast few secrets, or even buff your board by +2/+2 with already said spells. Who needs consistency when we have clown fiesta card that will turn even already lost game into won one? Alright, the rant is over.
So, time for a conclusion. If you got this card from packs - ask yourself wether you want to play Token-zoo druids. Or wether you have Onyxia or Fandral Staghelm in your collection to try to combo them with each other. If not, i wouldnt mind if you dust it, if you need to craft an epic or save more for a legendary you want. But if you plan to collect as many cards as you can, you better remain him. Noone knows which cards come in future, so even Cairne Bloodhoof now has place in decks. Maybe Cenny will as well. IF you want to craft it, then it may be one of a few Expert set legendaries that you're missing. Or you really wanna try Token druid with this card. Anyway, not advised to craft in any other scenarios(credits to the original creator of this pun, sorry, dont remember your nick.)
If you've enjoyed reading this review, follow me in my profile to stay tuned and check out my other observations(Links):
The Expert Set:
Neutral legendaries: Onyxia | Baron Geddon | Malygos | Deathwing | Bloodmage Thalnos | Cairne Bloodhoof | Leeroy Jenkins| Harrison Jones |Sylvanas | Ysera | Ragnaros | Alexstrasza | The Black Knight
Class ones: Al'Akir the Windlord | King Krush | Cenarius | Edwin VanCleef | Archmage Antonidas | Tirion Fordring | Jaraxxus | Prophet Velen[Remastered in 26.10.2016] |Grommash Hellscream
The Whispers of the Old Gods Set:
Neutral legendaries: N'Zoth | Soggoth
Other Sets:
| Kel'Thuzad | Arch-Thief Rafaam |
My forum thread(Link)
Thanks for this review. I got this card from the welcome bundle and I don't know what to do with him. I'm a fairly new player and managed to fit him in one of my basic class decks and it's pretty meh. If i dust this card, what do you recommend me craft? Are there any must-have cards that a newbie should get? THanks
Stole this guy from a Wallet Druid with Undercity Huckster. Essentially won me the game thanks to constant shadowstepping. Huckster is now my favourite card.
I got a golden Cenarius... Should i DE him or no?
if you are new to the game, i heard from a HS streamer that its better to dust a random golden legendary that's not too good so that you can craft other cards.
I love his new play animation
I got this card in a pack a while back. I couldn't bring myself to disenchant him and finally found a use for him in a fun druid deck I put together.
Turn 7 board full of Cenarius-buffed whelps. GG.
Ahh, my first ever legendary :D
I wonder if they'll swap the order of the card text. Sucks if we use this with the new legendary because it will give +2/+2 to all minions and then summon the 2/2 treants. Otherwise, it would be better and summon 2 4/4 treants. lol