Titanic Lackey
Card Text
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +2 Health and Taunt.
Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +2 Health and Taunt.
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As expected this Lackey makes the Lackey generators slightly weaker .
Generally you want to double the battlecry or something that impacts the board immediately, like rush or 2 dmg.
I just played against a rogue who used this lackey, how is this possible. Am I the only one who has this problem?
I just had it as well, against a Warrior.
Apparently it can be generated by lackey generating cards. I got it from Sludge Slurper earlier today.
theey probably mean that the saviours of uldum hasn't been released yet to the game but rather just cards been revealed. so how does titanic lackey who is in saviours of uldum is already in game?
I got it just for one day with tempo rogue, but it no longer is in the pool (at least I think so).
Void Walker. Not the best one but not bad.