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Instead of the flavour being "Pew! Pew!" It definitely should have been "Ping! Ping!"
Completely missed opportunity imo
Yep , missed opportunity by blizzard :P
Malygos Hunter. Coming soon to a wild near you.
(Powered of course by Tracking, Stitched Tracker, and Emperor Thaurissan)
Malygos Hunter ?? no problem
Hecklebot : i can help you sir ?? delivery express is near you :)
So you summon a 4/12 fucking dragon and have 6 or less mana to deal with it or die next turn
In between Vareesa, as well as Tuskarr Fishermen and Ancient Mages on more durable stealth minions, and, of course, not just Arcane Shot, but also this new gem, I think we may have Malygos OTK hunter without Malygos, on our hands.
With Candleshot rotating out, I think this card might be a bit better than what most people think. Comparing it to moonfire doesn't really make sense, because the Druid's hero power allows them to clear a 1-health minion on turn 2 (or a 2-health potentially over 2 turns), where the Hunter's does not.
What am I missing here? Feels like a worse moonfire.
Edit: spacetime answered it for me. Its for removal with hunters mark, candleshot replacement. I get it now.
twinspell makes a lot of difference, especially if you have spell damage
Together with the weapon provided by Vereesa Windrunner, you can do 12 damage for 4 mana just with two copies of this. Adding Arcane Shot and Kill Command, there is some insane burst potential, and this card might have been the last puzzle piece.
Master's Call > Jepetto Joybuzz > 1 mana Malygos > 5 mana 24 dmg to the noggin
24 is no good. You need 30. Luckily it is possible:
Master's Call > Jepetto Joybuzz > 1 mana Malygos and Vereesa Windrunner > 6 mana 32-34 damage to face (32 if they have taunt, 34 if they don't)
Maybe add some Kill Command and Arcane Shot for consistency
Vereesa Windrunner looks better now...
If I got her, I'll go full spell damage hunter in wild.