Haleh, Matron Protectorate

Card Text
After you cast a spell, deal 4 damage randomly split among all enemies.
Flavor Text
Oh, how do you solve a problem like Onyxia?
After you cast a spell, deal 4 damage randomly split among all enemies.
Oh, how do you solve a problem like Onyxia?
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3xish the flamewaker stats, 2x the flamewaker effect, 2.6x the flamewaker cost.
Not useful enough.
Fun card, but unfortunately I see no reason to play this over Flamewaker in Wild
Hmmm for an actual OTK it seems very expensive. 8 spells with an empty board - 8 mana needs mana biscuit at least and 9 specific cards in hand. I think it's better for a swing turn/finisher. But really I just see it as a card you want to generate. Kind of a wasted legendary slot imho...
Another solitary/otk deck as expected. Team 5 being, that predictable should tell you something..at least be worried.
Fuck no Blizzard
Ya’ll who are saying this is worse than Mozaki…She is gone in a month or two. Meet new Mozaki. Same general idea, anyhow. It’s not gonna be amazing until the rotation but if they get enough mana-reduction/cheap spells/Dragon Summoning in the next year, this guy is going to be evil.
I hope this card has sick animation and not the same as Flamewanker
It seems decent to me. Not super OP, but we have all seen a mage pop off and play half their deck in a single turn with 0 or 1 cost spells that have been reduced in price. Not as good as Mozaki, but its still decent and im sure we will see it end games
Aaaand the big mage dream is gone, thx blizzard. Everyone will play Druid anyways.
This actually changes my mind about powercreep. It is indeed not more powerful overtime, but in fact, worse.
Flamewaker reprinted for 8 mana with the battle tag dragon.
They're really pushing a lot of control/late game cards. Maybe after rotation we'll be seeing long games again. Currently, this card is dumpster fire bad.
This is solid lol
who are these goons downplaying it?
This card is a mistake.
Imagine seeing this card and not being scared. Hearthstone in 2022.
The absolute state of this game lol
I haven’t seen cards this bad for quite a while now.
I don’t normally say “This is X dust” but this is indeed just a 400 dust.
Edit: other than druids getting this as a random 8 mana drop, so do Priests with Skeletal Dragon which they may consider in Dragon Priest deck
This is a weird card and not at all what I was expecting.
It's extremely powerful in the right circumstances, but it requires a lot of setup.
It's not really at all what I was expecting, tho. I was expecting some sort of synergy with the new 10 mana card. Or something to do with big spells in general, but it's more like... a new win condition for tempo/miracle mage. Probably a much fairer win condition, but still.
Rotation going to need to slow meta down or none of these cards are getting played lol