Gear Grubber
Card Text
Taunt. If you end your turn with any unspent Mana, reduce this card's Cost by (1).
Flavor Text
Yeah, “for off-spec,” suuuuure.
Taunt. If you end your turn with any unspent Mana, reduce this card's Cost by (1).
Yeah, “for off-spec,” suuuuure.
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Second-Rate Bruiser BTFO
Don’t Aggro Druids want to swarm the board and not float any mana?
Some beast druid lists are more focused on having strong combo turns like Oracle + Umbral Owl and/or Frostsaber Matriarch + some buffs. Even if its not a beast, this card kinda fits with this game plan.
I don’t think this any good honestly.
Oracle of Elune likes this.
Really nice for decks that weren't planning on a one drop anyway.
This seems pretty good, unless it has to be in your hand to get the effect. Unclear.
This, together with Boomkin, will make me play my Untapped Potential deck again in Wild. Fun cards!
This an interesting card... has some drawbacks, though. Passing your turn with mana floating somewhat telegraphs to your opponent that you have this card, and they might be able to arrange a board position in advance that can counter it efficiently. (Remember, if you're floating mana, you're probably not going to find yourself ahead on tempo, so your opponent has control over what the board looks like.)
Unless you `re Demon Hunter or playing a quest, you`ll probably pass turn 1 on any non face deck. So this can be a 3 mana 4/5 taunt, which is on curve, after hero powering, or playing a 2 drop etc. Pretty much the no1 mulligan prority if you run it in your deck, against aggro.
Wow, this has a lot of potential. They're really pushing the anti-aggro tools for control decks. Even if you get this down to 3 mana it's crazy good.
Way better than Nerubian Prophet
this could be really interesting in a taunt warrior deck
I always assume cards like this have to be in your hand to see effect.