Curse of Agony
Card Text
Shuffle three Agonies
into the opponent's deck.
They deal Fatigue damage
when drawn.
Flavor Text
Now, fools, you shall all understand my back pain!
Shuffle three Agonies
into the opponent's deck.
They deal Fatigue damage
when drawn.
Now, fools, you shall all understand my back pain!
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i like how much hate this card got... still it wasn't played nearly at all.
And here we go again with the unholy DK "plague" archetype being praised. But people just don't learn.
There's a King Togwaggle and Augmented Elekk deck. You draw, your deck, lower your card cost using Runed Mithril Rod, then you do OTK by swapping decks and filling enemy one with Curse of Agony. 2 Elekks and 2 Curses gives you 120 fatigue damage.
1. Don't try to do OTK combo, if there are 10 cards in the enemy hand, they need to be drawn ;)
2. You can concede if you encounter Linecracker and BEES!!! Druid, as it generates absurd amount of armour using this combo.
With all the Kazakusan decks floating around right now this is a very effective card for quest warlock. Once they drop Kazakusan, with Tamsin and alter of fire and this it's usually GG
I can see this in a control warlock deck:
2 altar of fires, tickatus. tamsin roam, cast this 4x or more (with scorpid, wandmaker)
It's the new bomb warrior.
Another idiotic addition to the game they didn't think through, will be abused, and nerfed after it has damaged the game for too long.
People are going to be casting four of these (OR MORE) with Tamsin Roame and it will be beyond bomb warrior levels of stupidity.
Exactly this! It's gonna be even worse than the latest posion rogue terror we had in the ladder, and it wont even need assistance by an other archetype (like thief rogues did with poison recently) to hold the whole game in check by 1 class.. excuse me, 1 card!
Just think about it, both played out and drawn will deal 21 fatigue dmg for 2 mana, which synergize perfectly with quest handlocks late game plan. In the current state of Warlocks tools, this is gonna be totally nonsense playing against for the majority of decks. I may even say that this is so good that it wouldnt even care about a nerf to 3 mana.
I really hope we're wrong with this prediction.
Oh yes, this card is played nonstop, every game I play is agaisnt fatigue warlock noooooo!
Haha, yikes, nah it's all aggro no brainers.
This card will be nerfed into a 3 cost
A 3-cost Agony would work much better with Runed Mithril Rod. Currently after 1 discount it costs 0 so Tamsin cant double it.
The only nerf to make this fair is to shuffle no more than 2 agonies. Even at 3 mana it can still be casted 4x with Tamsin on a single turn.
With 2 agonies being shuffled is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 which is still A LOT
Clearly this is Blizzard trying to explore new design space. I can't blame them for testing the waters, but I strongly suspect they'll find this particular bit of design space to be completely untenable.
Think about this card fundamentally. Really think about it. Each fatigue card does more damage than the last, so each Curse of Agony represents more damage than the one before, encouraging you to use as many as possible. Your reward for this combo of "play Curse of Agony many times" is "face damage". A card... that wants to be used in flurries/combos... that does face damage. Yeah this is an OTK card straight through to its core, with minimal applications in any other deck. Bad idea. And, of course, Tamsin Roame is exactly the tool this card is looking for to get used lots of times.
Notably, The Demon Seed eats this card alive, but that's hardly any comfort, because "one unfun deck keeps another unfun deck in check" doesn't make a fun meta.
Just be regular control/draw Warlock, empty your deck play King Togwaggle and two Agonies. You just need 2 more dmgs to finish. Could be just meme casual deck.
This seems terrible for damage, because what you are all missing is that if the game goes to fatigue, this card deals basically no damage. The opponent takes their fatigue earlier, but their other draws are also delayed so they start taking natural fatigue later. However, the Agonies are not cast when drawn, which is important because the opponent misses their draws the turns these are drawn. That of course makes this a very questionable card to include in any mill decks.
The Agony cards are cast when drawn, so this is good when you're trying to control the game rather than wildly mill your opponent. When you shuffle 3 Agonies in, they will deal 1, 2 and 3 Fatigue Damage when drawn. If the game hits fatigue, the fatigue damage that player takes will continue from 4 onwards. Especially strong with Tamsin Roame.
In a mill deck this card is also excellent, because you can play it AFTER your opponent's deck runs out so they take massive fatigue damage.
It multiplies the fatigue damage. When they get to fatigue if they're still alive they'll take 7 instead of 1.
Mmmm disruption warlock?
Curse of Rafaam and this with Tamsin?
Finally a new Curse. Now we have 3. <3
This sort of effect has never been THAT good, but it's only 1 mana, and ends up dealing a lot of burn damage over time (6 damage from your first one, 15 from your second one). I don't think it's that reliable, and it's most likely to see play in like... burn Warlock-style decks.
Nerf incoming. There will be an outcry of how unfun this card is day 1.