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she's really cute :3
But really though, she's a tech card, the more taunt minions the more she'll see play in aggro decks.
This is the auto include tech card, its going to be in every deck due to the everlasting minions introduced (spike ridged steed etc) and the previous magnetic taunt combos. Not quite meta defining but its going to go in every control deck
This is more for aggro. Spellbreaker is usually included to push through large Taunts anyway. Control decks don't really care if you have Taunt.
This is the anti-anti-aggro-tech tech we've all been waiting for.
Lynessa is sad :(
Literally like 80% of the time when I'm silencing something, it's a taunt, so Ironbeak Owl's back!!! WOOOHOOOO. Super pumped. Not as good as owl obviously because it's not a beast for Kill Command, but still awesome
This is just prenerfed Ironbeak Owl if you just use it to silence taunts anyway.
The reason they nerfed Ironbeak Owl
anti-cheat tech finally. sm0rc
that said, even in Aggro, just run Owl. one mana isn't that big of a difference. As long as Devilsaur Egg is still in the game it makes no sense to focus purely on taunt for a minor mana benefit.
Insanely bad yet overrated. selective silences are bad and if you give them bad stats they're double garbage.
Pretty much just reprinted the old Ironbeak Owl without the beast tag. Crazy.
It does have anti synergy with prince keleseth and most aggro decks run the prince so this card will be a difficult fit and most control decks run spell breaker because the mana cost isn't as relevant and spell breaker has better stats and a more general battlecry. It Is pretty efficient though so when the prince is rotated this will see more play.
You sound like a creative deck builder...
Here Lies
Tar Creeper
The first time that this card proved useful for me was in face hunter silencing a mage's Tar Creeper. Been a fan since.
Why Blizzard...why...this set was so awesome so far. In all seriousness insanely strong aggro card and it says minions with taunt so good luck taunting your giants or Twilight Drakes bye bye voidlord saronite even buffed with keleseth and byebye Corpsetakers...we could've done without this one lol.
Your shield shall not save you.
Me go face?
The cheaper the silence for their taunt the easier the lethal...