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Strong body for a Thief Priest deck :) I'm really glad this card exist and that i pulled it
I'm fairly sure that the flavor text is a reference to GOB from Arrested Development. If I'm wrong, though... I made a huge mistake.
Anti Kingsbane tech for non Warlocks should it ever be necessary. ;)
I think this card is severely underestimated. Just compare it to the Blink Fox . An average card from your opponent's deck is a lot better than then an average from your opponent's class: also, it is quite possible to highroll enemy DK. 3/4 is a lot more solid than 3/3; drawback is negligible if played in odd rogue: only useful card that you can give to the enemy is Vilespine Slayer ,most others are complete garbage.
I've been playing around with Drakkari Trickster in Odd Rogue, running him in a deck where most of my cards are bad for the opponent to get (Deadly Poison, Spiteful Smith, Myra's Unstable Element etc). The potential to high-role is nice, but the opponent can also get good cards, depending on what deck he uses. Tar Creeper, Vicious Fledgling, SI:7 Agent or even the 1-drops can be annoying. While getting a random card from a class is worse than getting one from the deck, there is no downside in Blink Fox. To me, Drakkari Trickster has been try'ed and found to be bad.
strong body and gives you a card read...regardless of whether or not you are playing a thief priest.
Oh if you copy a bu8ffed kingsbane at fatigue or close to fatigue this beomes strong but it's very situational also it's good in mill decks but that's more for wild. It's a niche card not actually a bad card. It is nearly unplayable in "normal" decks. You can also play this when you run out of cards to gain an extra card from your opponent's deck which may help you or not...it's weird overall.
D-Did they forget to put dust it and bad into the poll? Hearthpwn staff wtf!
Counters kingsbane rogue and other decks with infinite shuffling minions, I like it :)
meme, but a good meme. Still not practical enough in Standard, but surely fun in Arena
Calling it now.
We will see video of Hysteria or another streamer playing multiple copies of this in a highlight video to fill the opponent's hand full of unplayable spells still left in the deck, completely clogging the opponent's hand.
Sad that it´s another 3-cost minion for burgle rogue but I guess i´ll try it if i can get 1. Would have been better at 2 or 5 but what can you do.
Drakkari Trickster could have applications in a deck like Burgle Rogue, where pulling class cards from your opponent's deck is more likely to mean good cards than the typical "random from their class" effects.
He's such a trickster he removed the ability for anyone to vote him as "Bad" or "Dust It"
Love the art, and might even play it if it took the actual card and swapped them since it would work as a counter card then. As it is I think its too inconsistent to use.
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