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I run this in my Warlock Mechathune deck. It's possible to use the battle damage of the card to upgrade your spellstone when you target your face. You don't lose any health after the life steal effect goes off.
I belive this guy is a Pygmy. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Pygmy
It's not a s bad as ppl first think it is...Even shaman can use it so can zoolock since it does heal you right away healadin can gain 3 health with this after converting life to armor...not amazing but not really garbage either.
yay, it exists....and that'S about it. If Blowgill Sniper wasn't played then why would this? Lifesteal isn't that important.
Hearthpwn is so sure this is good tehy don't even let us vote otherwise (But yeah, I see potential in this one, especially in Even Shaman).
Mad Max anyone?
That happens if you take smartphones from the children.