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Secret Paladin gets better with this guy.
I only see a missed opportunity to beat Oasis Snapjaw's golden animation
Build a beast this with Swamp Leech and you’ve got no downside!
Paladin only card.
it's neutral
scary with houndmaster but not that great overall.
It has some applications. Maybe you could run it in Heal zoo? Heal Paladin? Heal Hunt- wait...
Healadin might want this for consistency.
Beast Warlock meta incoming
Carrion Grub
What did they do to you, my wayward grub?
this would make for an amazing Shudderwock deck
A turtle has made it to the water! And it grew to become a 3-Cost 3/5 Battlecry: Deal 5 damage to your hero.
The cycle of life can be cruel.
This curving into Houndmaster could be terrifying.
sooooooooooooooooooooooo Pit Lord never saw play, so i think this won't, but that was a card for aggressive decks, since this is for a control deck i would imagine, and comes in earlier, could this make it's way into the heal paladin?
Not that it's going to be a thing, but Ornery Tortoise could be run in Odd Priest to help create opportunities to leverage the buffed hero power. The minor tempo boost over a typical 3 drop isn't that much, though.
poor turtle
So maybe that turtle will made it to the water?
He's upset that they won't let him be a Tortollan.