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Why is this card not common in Wild Libram paladin?
as someone who usually doesnt run much silence FUCK THIS CARD
Maybe you should run a silence then? :p
One of the best Paladin cards that class could get , i'm really proud i've got it from Rastakhan rumble packs.
It is in my Shirvallah's Chosen deck. :) I love this card.
This keep also changes in the cost when is shuffled back in your deck? from cards like Freezing Trap and Prismatic Lens?
My initial reaction to the Immortal Prelate + Tuskarr Fisherman combo:
What happen if you Entomb the Immortal Prelate? Does it keep it's buffs? (think not, but still would be interesting to know)
No, because the deathrattle effect wouldn't be activated, and you'd shuffle a 1/3 into your deck.
Some other interactions I've found:
Hunter's Mark changes health to 1, even after shuffling back into your deck
Sap and Vanish bounce Immortal Prelate back to your hand and losses all stat buffs.
I wonder how this card works with Zola the Gorgon and Carnivorous Cube, enchantment will be gone, right?
Most likely, the two spawned would be fresh versions of the card, but the original would probably still go back in the deck.
That golden animation is glorious. Truly
Good addition to any type of Quest or Lynessa Sunsorrow/Buff Paladin. Will have to see if it is competitive though. I'm hoping for some type of new Paladin!
Or Shirvallah's chosen latest expansion deck.
would it qualify as a win condition for Control Pally? I mean,, technically you can go infinite.
This card is really strong:
+you can have to of those in your deck, which may prevent you from fatiguing;
+you can pull it with Call to Arms and Crystology.
+With a siple Blessing of Kings it's a 2 mana 5/7, but you can also stack Spikeridged Steed on it that will pull you give you two taunts.
+It's not too bad if an opponent has to use two of his silence or transform effects on a two mana card(two mana plus the cost of a buff, if you buffed it).
-this card will also keep negative enchantments, like Power Word: Glory or Aldor Peacekeeper debufs(maybe there's more).
i can see that people will win the lich king with this card as such of myself who sucks at adventures and still stuck at heroic chess.
I never thought Kingsbane is a troll! Did Valeera steal her from Uther?
Run this with Galvadon and Lynessa Sunsorrow to draw out silences...but at this point, I really can't say which card is meant to draw out silences for the others though...
A mini Malorne that can be dangerous late game.
silence, bounce, transform effects. Really there's so many answers to this card it's basically just there to eat hard removal.