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Where exactly can you read the word "Friendly" in Dire Frenzy?
You actually can, because Dire Frenzy doesn't require to be used on a Friendly beast. Also, you can randomly get it off Jeweled Macaw.
He can if he targets his opponents hi'reek
Welp... i know which legendary I am going to open. FeelsBadMan
I just want to point out that this card CANNOT be used in a Shudderwock-heavy meta. If they Mind Control Tech one of your Hir'eek, the Bats and then Grumble, Worldshaker it, suddenly their shudderwock will do absurd things. It will either fill your hand with 1-mana shudderwocks, or fill the board with 6/6 shudderwocks.
I think you should not stress about it, given that you are considering a situation so specific the majority of the players won't even have a chance of that happening to them.
i think if you get shudderwocked you already lost anyways
Guys, you're obviously missing the massive combo of Hir'eek, the Bat + Defile.
we all known the combo is Hir'eek, the Bat, Bloodbloom + DOOM!.
yea... I am going to delete my evolve Shaman deck
I almost wish that there were some way to get this with Shaman, if only for the troll value of Corpsetaker + Omega Defender + Hir'eek, the Bat summoning improbably obnoxious boards.
What the heck ??? are you talkin bout willis ?? Could you elaborate because, not only the three cards mentioned don't do anything synergically just by themselves, but not a single one is a shaman card lol... YOU STONED MA MAN ??
Shudderwock Shaman runs Mind Control Tech and Grumble, Worldshaker. The entire draw of Hir'eek, the Bat is to summon large boards of his clones, and so a shudderwock deck can likely steal a couple and bounce them back to their hand at 1-mana.
This could have been a good card for paladin when hand buff paladin was a thing. Now I see this as a shitty version of Onyxia for 1 mana less, which does not make sense for Warlock at all.
Dust! this is terrible! I doubt any form of handbuff will make this playable.
Looks like too much work to get iot to make any impact. Maybe if it was a demon it MIGHT see play though I guess I'm glad it's not all things considered last thing I want is getting this on demonic project or bane of doom.
Good Zombeast with Vicious Scalehide
1- It's a Warlock card
2- It's an 8 mana card
zombeast can only discover cards from 0-5 no exceptions.
it needs alot of combo cards to be good, ITS TRASH!