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Works in Hunter Bomb decks
this is a really rad dude.
He was a sk8r bot, I said see ya l8r bot
high tech robots n shit but still no floating hoverboards?... absolute disappointment
sk8ter boi
Skate fast, eat ass
This helps a card like Bull Dozer become way more interesting in constructed. Pay 10 mana to get a 10/8 Divine Shield Rush minion is okay in my books.
He was a skater boy
Meta-defining in wild.
Well, to proc the juggler you need to summon a minion and using the magnetic option doesn't summon a new minion, so I guess it won't work.
This will just break wild with Glinda and mechwarper. I don't get why they'd print it like that.
Also breaks standard because of the new Galvanizer. Much board clear, very wow.
Galvanizer has battlecry which makes only the 1st of your Skaterbot 0 mana . The next one would cost 1 mana so it is not infinite therefore won't break standard.
Mechwarper effect is aura which means you get infinite 0 mana +1/1 while having him on oboard along with Glinda.
Would playing a Mech that is getting magnetized trigger Knife Juggler? If so, we have a 10-mana, 4-card OTK here.
I don't think Echo works with Magnatize since the minion leaves the board before Echo can trigger. There is no way they would leave an 8-mana, 3 card combo that can OTK your opponent.
When it's so easy to clear any board with one card in Hearthstone, I'm not that worried about a three card combo.
Edit: Gah, I wish I could delete this, I see the Magnetize cheese. I think the best way to address it if it became a problem would be to disallow the interaction somewhat arbitrarily.
Good Mech buff.
1 mana for Rush seems okay when it will be attached to something.