Card Clarifications
- When you add Whizbang to your deck, it replaces your hero, your deck, and renames it to "Whizbang is Wonderful".
- Each game you play, one random currently available deck recipe is chosen as your deck. There are 18 choices, 2 for each class.
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Will this card be available in professional E-Sports games?
I mean, if the players who qualify for the tournament and have to give their decks to the game, will they be able to give Whizbang the Wonderful as a deck next to such a for example big priest?
1/18 chance to play freeze shaman for free! Value bois! Why craft Moorabi when you can just craft this?
Joking aside, this card is awesome fun for new players.
Renounce Darkness again , I will craft it golden just for fun .
Same. There are tons of important legendaries I still don't have but i'll happily spend 3200 dust for a golden Whizbang.
gold crafting it also !!! ^^
I wasn't going to preorder and just check it out on release, but after seeing this card, I will be preordering now.
The only money I've spent on this game has been the $5 welcome bundle and I've played almost everyday (gotta do those dailies!) since the Naxx & GvG times. I'm suddenly feeling as generous as Blizzard is with this card. I think I'm finally going to buy Hearthstone ($63 Canadian for the 50 pack pre-order).
Mustcraft card. I will craft a golden one!
Probably, because those decks are directed to beginner players.
If new players can win with those decks against meta decks, it would force every begginer player to craft this card and play it every time since they will have a huge advantage over other players who also don't own good cards.
This would directly reduce $$$ Blizzard make by selling packs as well so there is no chance it will be good.
When you play it: Freeze Shaman, Poisonous Dragon Hunter, Echo Rogue, Odd Priest
When your opponent plays it: Even Paladin, Taunt Druid, Big Spell Mage, Control Warlock
Come on guys, it replace the hero at deck building page — because when you start a game, you become one of 9 heroes randomly... it just for flavor
Your hero power will depend on which deck you get. For instance, if you get a rogue deck you will have the rogue hero power.
No problem xd
Most casual players are fangirling so hard when this card was revealed. :P
I think that it will be used in tournaments because it means that your opponent can't counter you. Provided the deck recipes are not trash, I could see this getting played.
Have you seen any of the deck recipes they've released in the past? This card is purely for fun.
The design is very creative and it sounds extremely enjoyable, but I doubt it'd get into meta. The ability to customize decks is a little too precious in competitive games, however, that doesn't trash the fun potential you would have while playing this.
If you have a golden version of this guy, would you end up with a golden version of the deck he gave you?
Believe it or not, "Will it be golden?" is actually a common question that's brought up a lot of the time, so you're definitely not alone in having asked that. I know people have already answered the question, but I wanted to add to why it's most likely that Whizbang the Wonderful will make the hero, hero power, and deck golden.
Let's start with the hero and the hero power being golden. When the golden version of Lord Jaraxxus or the Hero card Scourgelord Garrosh is played, the new hero is fully animated: the portrait, the hero power, and the weapon. If the hero is golden, whatever the hero power spawns will also be golden: INFERNO! spawning a golden Infernal, Build-A-Beast and Bewitch spawning their respective cards. This also extends to other cards that change your hero power into a different one: Shadowform, Sideshow Spelleater, Justicar Trueheart, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Sulfuras, and Baku the Mooneater.
{As a side note fun fact: I will note however that Poisoned Dagger used to not have a golden animation, probably because the number of people who used Justicar Trueheart in Rogue were so small. If you look up Justicar Trueheart on this site and look at the pie chart of which classes run her, you'll find that Rogues make approximately none of it.}
However, cards that simply modify the hero power's cost—Fencing Coach, Saboteur, Maiden of the Lake, Raza the Chained, and Genn Greymane—will not turn the hero power golden. I don't know the exact science of why, but based on observation, cards that change the hero power use an animation that spins (transitions) the hero power into the new one, whereas those that change the cost do not. It is of note however, that Shadowform will revert the hero power into a non-golden state if the card is not golden. (I've used both a golden and non-golden version in the same deck.) So, what does this mean for Whizbang the Wonderful? Taking this portion into account, Whizbang should be wonderfully animated from the portrait to the hero power and in extension, the Silver Hand Recruits or Wicked Knife/Poisoned Dagger the hero power spawns. This also means that a deck recipe running Genn Greymane won't result in the hero power turning golden because of Genn Greymane's effect but because... it will already be golden. As a follow-up to your second question, the deck and hero will go hand-in-hand since the deck recipes are designed for that class. As much as I'd love to play as Garrosh the Rogue, it doesn't make much sense for a rogue to be armoring up. It wouldn't make much sense for Whizbang either. Now that those chunks of information are out of the way, we can move onto the deck itself.
There have already been golden cards that turn the rest of the deck golden: the Golden Monkey, Renounce Darkness, and Explore Un'Goro. Once again, the cards these spawn are also golden. Likewise, golden cards that spawn cards will result in the spawned card to be golden whether they're generated minions like Damaged Golem, shuffled cards like Burrowing Mine, or non-golden minions transformed by golden spells and vice-versa. So, why would Whizbang's Wonderful Decks be any different? The cards don't become a part of the collection the same way the contents of Elise the Trailblazer's Un'Goro Pack don't. There's actually more incentive to make it so that the decks are golden. As shown by this forum, many would craft him golden if only for the aesthetics. Pretty much every single card game franchise company knows that and plays to that desire in the form of foil cards or in Hearthstone's case, golden cards. But, let me ask you: How do you plan on getting a golden Whizbang the Wonderful?
The amount of dust required to craft a golden Whizbang the Wonderful is quite a bit, especially to players starting out. Regardless of how he's gotten, a player trying to get him has two options: invest time into the game or invest money. And, what better card to promote new(er) players to do both than a card that comes pre-packed with eighteen decks and one that just so happens to encourage the purchase of pre-order bundles that come with a free golden legendary. I have to give the marketing team props where it's due.
Tl;dr: Yeah, most likely the deck will be golden along with the hero and hero power. The hero power will also most likely be the same class as the deck that's being used, e.g., Steady Shot for a Hunter deck.