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Exactly. Since it's a weapon that means that the Warrior has more control over who this card hits and can be great for killing large minions, getting around taunts, or just messing with your opponent's board. Lots of great possibilities here.
great arena card, but is it worth for standard? I think yes, warrior could tank some damage with his armor and remove big minions
Could be interesting alongside Marsh Drake, if positioned right
betrayal on a stick.
Three betrayals on a stick. Costs 5 mana and some health.
Read the text again. It forced the minion to attack ONE of its neighbors. Betrayal makes it attack both.
Attack ONE of it's neighbors.
It's just bad.
Well both attacking and minion getting attacked get damage, so it is still 2 minions damaged, and oh how much you need to be car full playing poisonous minions against warrior if this card ever takes off.
It's the other betrayal. I know, no-one expects that one to come up so suddenly.
Betrayal attacks neither, it does it's damage to both. This is more like Sudden Betrayal[
This card will revive control warrior in wild and actually has a lot of OTK potential as well!!!!
You can magnetize the minions on the opponent's side of the board to hit their face after going face with this weapon using Mayor Noggenfogger's effect causing them 2 either take A LOT of damage or just cause them 2 lose the game from their own minion damage.
Especially, if they have a poisonous minion on their side of the board when it hits their face LUL.
That's not how poisonous works and the redirect effect doesn't work on face.
Warrior needs tempo card like the ancient tempo warrior that becomes dragon warrior. This is not so tempo, a control tool with armor. Ok in Baku the Mooneater deck.
Ain't that super if you ask me.
Poisonous minions XD
Both minions gets hurt when one attacks another, or just the attacked one?
both, like betrayal
Both unlike* Betrayal, more like Sudden Betrayal.
Betrayal for warriors