Worgen Form
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I'm not expecting anyone to see this comment for a long time, but when you do, what on earth does she say when charging in human form? Because it sounds like "Milf!" to me and I can't hear anything else.
I wish Hearthpwn added the worgen form of these cards
Edit: They listened! :D
Bold meta call: This is the rush minion that goes in every midrange/tempo deck in combination with Countess Ashmore
Massively underated, 5 star card
You've been hit by...you'be been rushed by...a Swing Messenger!
I actually think this card is pretty good, and I think this is the only Swap card shown so far that will see play in Midrange decks. Most likely after next Rotation, because of Voiddaddies.
Against an Aggro deck, this comes down T4 as a 2/6 that can immediately trade into the opponents minions and leave a 2/3 or a 2/4 in play to trade a second or even third time. That's actually quite a bit of value from one card, and can help stop Aggro in it's tracks.
Against more midrange or controlling decks, you can hold it in your hand until the opponent plays something that needs removing NOW and then you can "Fireball" it. And since you're a midrange deck, you've probably got some other minion you can develop if the flip isn't in your favor.
I'm not entirely optimistic about it, but I wouldn't be surprised to see this being played.
I don't like that new stat swap mechanic, I don't think any of these cards will see play in constructed.
She looks like Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn lol
Swift messenger you say? Rushing 6dmg into a minion is sure to send a message, promptly!
Same potential as 8 drop presented with it. Arena, Arena and only Arena.
Every other turn it's a Fireball that can only hit minions. Meh.
A neutral no face fireball could be pretty good for control the board when your class as no proper tools (im looking at you hunter)
But it only works every other turn. It's too unreliable. The turn you are going to need it to do 6 it will deal 2 and by next turn it's too late.
LOL it's a bad version of Lerroy, when you think about it it's kind of a fireball if you play it in 6/2 that can only hit minions, and in it's 2/6 state it's a... flameguiser? the 2 mana deal 2 get a 1/2 elemental, but instead of a 1/2 elemental you get say on average a 2/3 so it'd not that bad in that context. it's just alright imo
Excellent control card in Arena. Probably not broken enough for Constructed.
4 mana deal 6 every other turn, or 4 mana deal 2 and get a 2/3... well unless there is some deck that really wants more Rush I don't see it...
either it's basically a minion only fireball, or you find something with 2 health to trade into and you get a 2/3 or 2/4 remaining. Not that great but it could be worse.
Master Oakheart Oaken Summons
ehh not worth pulling out because you miss out on the flexibility of the 6/2 body to clear a large minion
If anythign Oaken Summons
isnt the worst combo with this card.
for 4 Mana, you Gain 6 Armor, and get a 2/6 rush minion, at turn 4, or even 3 or 2 because Druid, there is bound to be something on the field that will die to a 2/6 rush minion and there can be some really annoying early game cards. and afterwards you still have a minion on the board.
it would work in a jungle giants deck in both regards. as it can help you control early game to get to the super strong late game, and when the time is right and its in your hand it counts as a card to complete the quest.